Evgeny Sergeev

Nascimento : 1965-11-20,


Two friends are engaged in theft of cars in order to extort money from their owners. The next stealing runs smoothly. The owner of the car agrees to pay, but puts forward an unexpected condition ...
Os Bastardos
Adaptado do romance de Vladimir Kunin (escrito em 2004), situa-se em 1943 e conta a história de Polkovnik Vishnevskiy, que recebe uma ordem do governo russo para treinar um grupo de soldados responsáveis pela detenção de um grupo pertencente ao exército alemão, chamado "Eidelveis". A missão é secreta e Vishnevskiy recruta e treina jovens entre 14 e 15 anos. Todos sabem que uma vez que a missão esteja completa será o fim para todos, porque eles sabem muito para permanecerem vivos. Segundo o filme, escola preparatória operava nas montanhas de Alatau, uma região adjacente à Alma-Ata, antiga capital do Cazaquistão, e estava sob as ordens da polícia política russa que existia antes da KGB, conhecida como NKVD.
"Дзисай" в переводе с древнеяпонского - "жертвенный козел отпущения". Мудрые японские императоры, зная, что их благополучие и здоровье принадлежит не только им самим, но и всей нации, держали при себе специального человека, который принимал на себя все беды и несчастья, грозящие хозяину. Этот самоотверженный человек и носил гордое прозвище Дзисай, именно на него и валились все шишки, которые судьба щедро отпускала на долю императора. Начитанный российский бизнесмен, узнав об этой древней традиции, также решил создать себе подобный "громоотвод", дабы защититься от всевозможных напастей. Его Дзисаем становится безработный, "бывший интеллигентный человек", обреченный получать тумаки и затрещины вместо предприимчивого хозяина...
Book Snatchers
An amazing story about the life of a modern girl and her friends, the same desperate young people who do not want to put up with the gray routine and boredom, eager to escape from the real world into the world of their dreams and fantasies.
Don't Play the Fool...
Americans decided to make sure that in the Arkhangelsk region village was found a diamond deposit, and sent there under the command of the submarine black veteran, who accompanied the Allied convoys during the 2nd World War. As a distraction the barrel full of alcohol (200 liters) was thrown to the shore. The barrel was caught by the local blacksmith Philemon. On this occasion villagers arranged festivities and all American submariners were gradually involved into it against their will.