Thrillingly documenting the creation of a new dance show by Michael Keegan-Dolan, acclaimed Irish filmmaker Pat Collins reveals a work that is expressive and exhilarating.
Verdi’s life-long love affair with Shakespeare’s works began with Macbeth, a play he considered to be ‘one of the greatest creations of man’. With his librettist, Francesco Maria Piave, Verdi set out to create ‘something out of the ordinary’. Their success is borne out in every bar of a score that sees Verdi at his most theatrical: it bristles with demonic energy.
Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.
Um jovem dançarino cuja vida e arte são integralmente conectados ao seu corpo se vê passando por profundas mudanças quando confrontado com o HIV. Depois de herdar o papel principal no balé Indian Summer de seu amigo Ramon (Anthony Higgins), Tonio (Jason Flemyng) recusa todos os tratamentos que possam interferir em suas habilidades de dança, se reconectando com a vida apenas com Jack (Anthony Sher), um homem tão diferente dele quanto duas pessoas podem ser, mas que se torna seu companheiro e amante.
The English National Opera first mounted David Alden's production of Ariodante, one of Handel's greatest masterpieces, in 1993. It met with unanimous critical and popular acclaim, and this 1996 revival features many of the leading singers from the original production. Ariodante is Handel's 1735 setting of an episode from Ariosto, in which the King of Scotland's daughter is treacherously accused of infidelity to her promised husband. The range of feelings provoked as the characters develop is caught in music of quite extraordinary emotional power, even by Handel's own exalted standards.