Sudie Bond

Sudie Bond

Nascimento : 1928-07-13,

Morte : 1984-11-10


Sudie Bond


Johnny, O Gangster
Mary Margaret Catherine Dineen
Nos anos 1930, um rapaz honesto se torna um gangster para conseguir o dinheiro para salvar a vida de sua mãe, que está doente. Mas o crime organizado não será o mesmo com suas trapalhadas.
Armas e Amores aka Segundo Turno
A Segunda Guerra Mundial vista pela ótica dos trabalhadores de uma fábrica de implementos de guerra. Duas mulheres e um trumpetista, todos três sem nenhuma experiência neste tipo de trabalho, vivem dias de grande aventura longe do front.
Silkwood - O Retrato de uma Coragem
Thelma Rice
The story of Karen Silkwood, a metallurgy worker at a plutonium processing plant who was purposefully contaminated, psychologically tortured and possibly murdered to prevent her from exposing blatant worker safety violations at the plant.
I Am The Cheese
Adapted from the Robert Cormier novel. This film follows the life of a young boy whose happy, if somewhat unusual life with his friends and family gradually starts to unravel, until the truth of the boy's situation is finally revealed.
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
Mrs. Raftery
This film is made up of three segments that share no plot but have a general thematic relationship. In the first segment, Virginia and her three children are left by her shiftless husband and she is courted by an old beau who is now divorced. In the second, a divorced woman reacts to some unexpected revelations from her aged father. In the third, a childless, middle-aged social worker is swept into an affair with a young cab driver and finds herself pregnant.
James Dean, O Mito Sobrevive
The Disciples of James Dean meet up on the anniversary of his death and mull over their lives in the present and in flashback, revealing the truth behind their complicated lives.
The Gold Bug
Sanctuary of Fear
A Manhattan priest with a penchant for solving crimes goes to the aid of a young actress. She is becoming enmeshed in a series of bizarre incidents she can't explain, and her complaints to the police have gone ignored.
Fore Play
A three-part omnibus centered around sex and its discontents.
Where the Lilies Bloom
Miss Fleetie
A family of children decide not to tell anyone their father has died, and to live on their own in the backwoods of rural North Carolina. If the state finds out they are on their own, they will be split up and sent to live in foster homes.
Mrs. Hulie
A lonely farmer takes in a pregnant woman and looks after her. After she gives birth, tragedy strikes.
Esse Louco Me Fascina
Every hero has a weakness, and Sherlock Holmes' weakness was Moriarty. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson solve mysteries and search for Moriarty in 1970s New York City. The fact that Sherlock Holmes is a psychotic paranoid and Dr. Watson is a female psychiatrist fascinated by his case is almost beside the point.
Uma Cidade Contra o Vício
Reverend Brooks leads the town in a contest to stop smoking for a month, But some tobacco executives don't want them to win, and try everything they can to make them smoke. If townspeople don't go nuts, from wanting a cigarette, or kill each other from irritation and frustration, they will win a huge prize.
Ernestine Jump
A Southern stock-car driver puts his rising career in the hands of a race promoter.
Love Story: Uma História de Amor
Woman buying Christmas tree
Oliver Barrett IV, um estudante de direito de Harvard, conhece Jenny Cavilleri, uma aluna de música de Radcliffe. É amor à primeira vista, e eles decidem se casar. No entanto, o pai de Oliver, um multimilionário, não aceita tal união e deserda o filho. Jenny não consegue engravidar e descobre que está muito doente.
The Tiger Makes Out
Miss Lane
During a typically disaster-filled day, Ben Harris, an angry and frustrated bachelor mailman living in a cluttered Greenwich Village basement, learns he has been paying rent to a woman who hasn't owned his building in 6 years. No longer able to endure the injustices of society, he decides to activate the ferocious tiger within himself by abducting a helpless female and dragging her back to his lair.
The Borgia Stick
A suburban couple discovers that they are pawns for a powerful crime syndicate. They try to break away from the cartel and go legitimate, but the syndicate doesn't want to give them up so easily.
Guns of the Trees
A depressed woman, Barbara, is on the verge of suicide while a man she meets in a church and a married couple try to convince her that life is worth living.