Andy Rudolph


Experimentos Macabros
Um homem e uma mulher acordam após uma cirurgia em um sanatório abandonado, sem nenhuma lembrança de quem são ou de como chegaram lá. Mas eles rapidamente descobrem que não estão sozinhos. Um médico enlouquecido afirma ser sua única chance de recuperação, mas o tratamento bizarro e as refeições de revirar o estômago a que os submete não passam de uma sádica brincadeira. E o pior de tudo é que apenas o médico sabe como libertá-los e tem as respostas horríveis sobre a verdadeira identidade deles.
Sound Mixer
Thursday shot from filmmaker Galen Johnson's high-rise apartment during COVID-19 “lockdown” in Winnipeg, captures people going about their daily routines in the city's eerily empty streets, yards and parking lots, on their balconies and on the riverbanks. The extreme distance and the diminutive scale of humans is paired with sound close-ups—a combination that embodies the strange, heightened intensity of feeling of the time, knowing an era-defining tragedy is happening yet being so physically removed.
Sound Designer
Thursday shot from filmmaker Galen Johnson's high-rise apartment during COVID-19 “lockdown” in Winnipeg, captures people going about their daily routines in the city's eerily empty streets, yards and parking lots, on their balconies and on the riverbanks. The extreme distance and the diminutive scale of humans is paired with sound close-ups—a combination that embodies the strange, heightened intensity of feeling of the time, knowing an era-defining tragedy is happening yet being so physically removed.
The Rabbit Hunters
Sound Mixer
Um diretor de cinema falecido vive um sonho póstumo no qual tenta se reunir com sua esposa. (Homenagem ao diretor de cinema italiano Federico Fellini no ano da celebração do centenário de seu nascimento).
Everything Turns...
Sound Designer
Everything Turns... is an open investigation into number mythology on Super-8 film. Long exposures and various animation techniques process and restructure the science behind it. This results in a type of almanac of time, space and place that humorously references Hans Richter.