Durante o tumultuado período dos anos 1960, duas famílias americanas se encontram em situações distintas. Os Herlihy têm um filho no Vietnã. Enquanto isso, o filho da família Taylor se une ao Partido dos Panteras Negras.
Rosemary Holmstrom is struggling to bring up her son following the death of her husband. When she is diagnosed with AIDS, at first she refuses to believe it, but soon turns her attentions to the problem of what will happen to her son when she dies.
A fire breaks out on the 12th floor of the First Interstate Tower building in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Paul and Susan are working late on the 37th floor, along with cleaning staff, security, and building engineers, some of whom are installing sprinklers. The fire spreads rapidly and those in the building quickly become trapped.
A young single mother has to work late one night. Her daughter begs her to allow her to stay alone instead of going to a babysitter. The mother finally agrees. When the girl falls and is injured, police are called and she is taken to a hospital, the courts decide that the mother is unfit and take her daughter away. She must fight to all ends to get her back.
Família volta da Flórida para Chicago, trazendo filhote de jacaré. O pai, querendo se livrar do problema de criar o réptil, joga o filhote na privada. Ele sobrevive e, nos esgotos, alimenta-se de lixo radioativo, tornando-se monstro gigantesco que sai às ruas da cidade fazendo vítimas.