Joanna Becker


June Falling Down
Sarah Andrews
A young woman returns home to Wisconsin for her best friend's wedding and the one year anniversary of her father's death.
Surviving Me: The Nine Circles of Sophie
College Student
Writer/director Leah Yananton's modernization of "Dante's Inferno" tells the story of a complex, intelligent and flawed young woman's coming-of-age.
Garden of Hedon
Club Girl
In Garden of Hedon, a man named Owen wakes up in a mansion where every hedonism is perpetually indulged. Every hedonism, including murder. With no memory of how he got there and no help from the residents of the house, Owen sets out to stop the murderer in whatever way he can.
Ela Dança, Eu Danço
Dancer (uncredited)
Tyler Gage é um rapaz problemático que tem que fazer trabalhos comunitários em uma escola de arte. Ele chama a atenção de Nora, uma talentosa bailarina que está tentando misturar passos de hip-hop ao balé clássico e que o convence a ajudá-la.