In a future century, after the apocalypse, Gui Dao dynasty controls continental Asia. Zhuai and his younger brother Mian are captured and sent to "Prosperity Camp" for reeducation. They soon discover that the camp's aim is to brainwash people with propaganda. Five years later, there's a change in government and they are free again. Zhuai falls in love for the beautiful Xuelan and together they take her to an old industrial city, now deserted. They get themselves a place to live in an abandoned apartment and try to rediscover the little pleasures of life.
Three disaffected youths live in Datong in 2001, part of the new "Birth Control" generation. Fed on a steady diet of popular culture, both Western and Chinese, the characters of Unknown Pleasures represent a new breed in the People's Republic of China, one detached from reality through the screen of media and the internet.
Inverno, 1979. Na pequena cidade de Fenyang na remota província chinesa de Shanxi, um grupo de teatro apresenta uma peça glorificando Mao Zedong. A vida de Minliang e dos outros camaradas gira em torno das representações e das histórias de amor que acontecem. Na Primavera de 1980, a vida do grupo de teatro sofre mudanças, com a entrada das influências ocidentais. Quando a política do Governo muda, os subsídios do grupo são cortados e a companhia é privatizada. A incerteza paira sobre o futuro do grupo e sobre as relações entre os vários elementos.
Shows a market where puppies are bought and sold. Several puppies are placed in a cloth bag, and they struggle to break free. One bites through the bag, pokes his head, and is observed in his triumph and then confusion.
O batedor de carteiras de uma pequena cidade chinesa, Xiao Wu, percebe que é rejeitado por todos que conhece quando um ex-companheiro ladrão se casa e não lhe envia um convite. Ele visita um bordel e se apaixona por uma prostituta, o único relacionamento que parece dar certo.
Executive Producer
Three provincial girls departed for Beijing. Yu Quin works as a hostess in a night-club, leaving her two-year-old daughter in someone else's care. Hu Jin is a bit part player and runway model. Zun Ji worked as a dancer in a discotheque, but returned to her hometown after she became a drug addict.