“Flatterers” tells the story of various quirky high school students who relate to each other while navigating their school lives. Park Gun is a student who transfers to a countryside school and becomes the subordinate to his older classmates.
Bo-eum (young)
Quis o destino em plena Disnatia Joseon que um mágico popular (Hwan-Hee), porém fugitivo e decadente encontrasse a princesa prometida (Cheong-Myung), desesperada pelo futuro que lhe aguarda. Ambos enfretando seus próprios dramas e infelizes com suas vidas ao ponto de querer desistir, encontram um no outro o motivo para buscar a felicidade e o amor, mas a tragédia e a vingança circulam suas vidas. Numa trama bem construída, ótimo elenco e com bela fotografia, poderá o amor construído nos alicerces de uma mentira suportar os obstáculos que aparecem a sua frente?
Four stepbrothers are having a hard time getting along as a family. 15 years after their parents’ second wedding, the four unexpectedly head home and reunite by an urgent call from their youngest stepsister, born between the remarried parents. Although their rivalry escalates, the four brothers come to a momentary truce to put their hearts together and find their missing parents.