The film follows several disaffected youth in the fictional Thirteen Princess High School in Chengdu. Feng, the film's protagonist, is a short-haired tomboy who has a love affair with the jock, Taotao. With the arrival of Bao, a student from Beijing, Feng finds herself gravitating to the new presence.
Brings viewers into a small Chinese city and inspires familiarity with the rhythms of everyday existence, with people's dreams, shortcomings and illusions in a way that is universal.
Através do olhar de uma criança, o filme conta a história de uma família politicamente atuante na China nas décadas de 50 e 60 e mostram como foram as reformas políticas chinesas.
Wu Xueying comes back with her doctorate. Once at home, she hears of her brother's suicide and Mad Lu takes away her file case. The police believes that her brother was murdered.