Art Direction
O LOBO SOLITÁRIO é o título da segunda curta-metragem de Filipe Melo, que se encontra já em fase de finalização. Revelamos hoje o título, cartaz e elenco do filme para vos abrir o apetite para o sucessor de SLEEPWALK.
Graphic Designer
When I became deaf at the age of 23, I decided to get a cochlear implant. As I began to regain my memories of lost sounds, I asked myself: How does someone who doesn't hear listen?
When I became deaf at the age of 23, I decided to get a cochlear implant. As I began to regain my memories of lost sounds, I asked myself: How does someone who doesn't hear listen?
Art Direction
A young man with charisma and magnetism enters the atmosphere of tropical music as a romantic singer and undertakes a vertiginous ascent to fame.
Production Design
A man goes on a journey for a slice of apple pie.
Graphic Novel
A man goes on a journey for a slice of apple pie.
Art Direction
A portrait of the life of Tita Merello, famous Argentinian singer and actress.
Art Direction
When the internet goes down and nobody's sure how to fix it, the office staff finds themselves lost with nothing to do.
Art Direction