Maureen Thomas

Maureen Thomas


Maureen Thomas


Noite de Lobos
No inverno sombrio do Alasca, um naturalista procura por lobos que supostamente mataram um menino. Logo ele se vê envolvido num mistério arrepiante.
O Amor de Um Pai
Mrs. Needham
John (Drew Seeley) e Kathy (Britt Irvin) são um casal prestes a ingressar na faculdade, quando descobrem a vinda do primeiro filho. Por não aguentar tamanha responsabilidade, Kathy abandona a família. Agora, John precisará manejar a vida de pai solteiro, estudante e trabalhador.
Amor de Natal
Laura Hall
In the tradition of such classic films as "Miracle On 34th Street", a hip, eccentric marketing genius teaches a widow and her son the miracle of Christmas.
Testemunha de um Assassino
Baseado em fatos reais, este filme é a história da escritora de sucesso internacional Ann Rulle, que escreve para a promotoria sobre os casos da polícia. Há muito tempo ela conhece Ted Bundy, um homem de passado pacato, inteligente, charmoso e bonitão. Quando assassinatos de moças começam a acontecer, Ann passa a se preocupar com as coincidências que o suspeito e Ted apresentam. O que mais a assusta é o fato de que sua filha tem o biótipo das vítimas. A confiança de Ann fica abalada, assim como o sossego do público em geral diante de crimes com tantos requintes de maldade. Ann faz uma autópsia psicológica de Ted, tentando descobrir o que transformou um simples rapaz em um criminoso hediondo. E o que ele descobre é muito mais aterrorizante do que qualquer pessoa possa imaginar.
Seduction in a Small Town
Lavonne Burke
A couple's idyllic life is shattered when authorities accuse them of child abuse and take away their three young children. When they desperately search for the source of the rumors about them, their suspicions lead them to a young woman who recently arrived in their small town, but they can't believe that this person they befriended would turn the town against them.
Angel Flight Down
13 Never Again!
13-year old Rikke sees Bea, the new girl in her class, as a challenge. After an endurance test to find which of them can lie longer in a circle of flames, they become friends. However, as a result of some unfortunate truths and half-truths, the friendship falters. Rikke feels that Bea has let her down, and resolves to continue the rivalry between them, but now in a less physical, more artful way. In addition we meet Rikke's elder sister Ninni, who has been in England to learn the language, and has had to leave her great love, a man twelve years her senior. The film is also about the problems Rikke encounters in fulfilling the expectations of those around her as she approaches womanhood.
Blood River
Mrs. Carpenter
Jimmy Pearls, a directionless young drifter, kills Henry Logan's son and two other men after he found out that they murdered Jimmy's parents for their land. Trying to get away from Logan's vengeance, he goes to ground in the mountains and meets Winston Patrick Culler, an old trapper, who becomes his traveling companion and protector. Jimmy doesn't understand though why Culler is helping him...
To Set Our House in Order
This movie discusses the growth and discovery of a young girl named Vanessa, as she learns more about her father's side of the family.