Nicola Catalani


Makeup Artist
A grotesquely disfigured harpooner called Iguana is severely mistreated by his fellow sailors on a whaling ship in the 19th century. One night he escapes and takes up residence on a remote island. He makes himself ruler of the island and declares war on mankind. Anyone unfortunate enough to wind up on the island with Iguana is subjected to his cruel tyranny.
The Last Hunter
Makeup Artist
During the Vietnam war, an American soldier gets trapped beind enemy lines. A squad of his buddies sets out to rescue him.
Holocausto Canibal
Assistant Makeup Artist
O filme conta a história de quatro documentaristas de tribos que embrenham-se na selva para filmar indígenas. Dois meses mais tarde, depois que o grupo não retorna, o famoso antropólogo Harold Monroe (Robert Kerman) viaja em uma missão de resgate para encontrá-los. Ele consegue recuperar as latas de filme perdidas, que revelam o destino dos cineastas desaparecidos.