Patricia Hodge

Patricia Hodge

Nascimento : 1946-09-29, Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, England, UK


Patricia Ann Hodge, OBE (born 29 September 1946) is an English actress.


Patricia Hodge


Arthur's Whisky
When Joan’s husband dies, she is shocked to discover he had invented an elixir which makes the drinker look young again. Sharing it with her two friends, the three women paint the town red but soon discover that they are no longer equipped to be young in the modern world.
Litvinenko - The Mayfair Poisoning
Self- Narrator
A documentary surrounding the the investigation into Litvinenko's murder and the undeniable radiation health emergency. Who were the people behind the scenes who dealt with a deadly radioactive poisoning on British soil?
The Laureate
Amy Graves
Situado no fascinante cenário do Reino Unido da tumultuada década de 1920, o drama conta a história verídica do escritor inglês Robert Graves, que estava casado e tinha quatro filhos quando conheceu e iniciou um envolvimento amoroso com a escritora americana Laura Riding. Desafiando as convenções da sociedade na época, Riding vai morar com Graves e sua esposa, a artista plástica Nancy Nicholson, formando um triângulo amoroso, que mais adiante foi acrescido com a chegada do poeta irlandês Geoffrey Phibbs. Mas logo as tensões e rivalidades tornaram-se tão intensas que Graves passa a ser suspeito de uma tentativa de homicídio.
Miranda: My Such Fun Celebration
Miranda Hart and the cast of her sitcom come together to celebrate the show's tenth anniversary with a music-filled, star-studded spectacular from the London Palladium.
Sobrevivendo às Festas com os Parentes
Aunt Peggy
Duas irmãs se reúnem para passar o Natal com suas famílias na casa de campo de pais recém-falecidos, com consequências hilárias e caóticas, enquanto as antigas rivalidades entre irmãos se acendem novamente para sabotar a época esperada de boa vontade.
Betty Maxwell
Basil Brookes joins "Captain Bob" - press mogul Robert Maxwell - as financial director and witnesses Maxwell's financial shenanigans as he contests status with fellow mogul Rupert Murdoch and descends into marital and monetary chaos.
Before You Go
The funny, heart-warming and moving new film, from director Lewis Gilbert. When Violet Heaney's three daughters return home for her funeral, each sister finds her own way of coping with her loss. For Teresa, the eldest, it's herbal tea, obsessive cleaning and hectoring her long-suffering husband, Frank. Catherine, the youngest, resorts to retail therapy, industrial quantities of marijuana and manic phone calls to her elusive boyfriend in Barcelona. Middle daughter Mary seeks consolation in professional detachment and the arms of her lover, Mike. Like Mary, Mike's a doctor. Unlike Mary, he's married... The sisters soon discover that their early memories have grown fuzzy over time and the past becomes fuzzier still as they attempt to cope with their mother's parting.
The Falklands Play
Rt. Hon Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister)
The Falklands Play is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1982 Falklands War. The play was written by Ian Curteis, an experienced writer who had started his television career in drama, but had increasingly come to specialise in dramatic reconstructions of history. It was originally commissioned by the BBC in 1983, for production and broadcast in 1986, but was subsequently shelved by Controller of BBC One Michael Grade due to its alleged pro-Margaret Thatcher stance and jingoistic tone. This prompted a press furore over media bias and censorship.The play was not staged until 2002, when it was broadcast in separate adaptations on BBC Television and Radio.
Lies & Whispers
Olivia Walton
Dr. Lauren is staying in Prague for a conference and falls in love with Czech writer Jiri Kolmar.
The Moonstone
Lady Julia Verinder
Greg Wise (Sense and Sensibility) and Keeley Hawes (Karaoke) star in this sumptuous adaptation of Wilkie Collins' classic mystery, the first detective novel ever written. The Moonstone, a sacred Hindu diamond was stolen from the head of the Moon God, in its shrine by John Herncastle in 1799. The stone is said to be cursed if it is removed from the shrine. In 1848, a man named Franklin Blake announces to Rachel that the Moonstone has been bequeathed to her by Herncastle. Blake gives her the jewel on her birthday and offers to mount the jewel for her, in order that she might wear it. Inevitably, the jewel is found missing the next morning and Rachel believes Blake stole it. Determined to prove his innocence, Blake leaves in order to pursue the real truth behind the theft.
O Sedutor
O dramaturgo de sucesso Felix Webb tem uma nova peça, 'The Hit Man', em ensaio. Dirigido por seu velho amigo Humphrey, já está sendo saudado como uma obra-prima; mas Felix não pode desfrutar de seu sucesso. Ele se apaixonou apaixonadamente por Hilary, uma bela e jovem atriz, e está se preparando para abandonar sua família perfeita, sua esposa Elena e três filhos animados. Sua situação intolerável fica ainda mais complicada quando Humphrey coloca Hilary como um dos protagonistas de 'The Hit Man'. Entra Robin Grange, um jovem ator carismático de Hollywood fazendo sua estréia no teatro de Londres. Robin é atraente, charmoso e perigoso, e logo se intromete na vida de todos. Ele se insinua com o elenco e, rapidamente entendendo o dilema de Félix, começa a tecer sua teia de travessuras. Ele sugere que se ele fosse seduzir Elena, ela seria distraída do caso de Felix, recuperaria seu auto-respeito e talvez até se separasse voluntariamente do marido infiel a quem ela se apega ...
The Cloning of Joanna May
Joanna May
Joanna once was married to Carl May, a very rich and powerful nuclear energy magnate. They love each other, but had to divorce after Joanna was caught on an incidental love affair. Since then Carl has made Joanna's life impossible. 10 years later she's fed up with the situation and decides to visit him, only to find that once he made three copies of her
The Secret Life of Ian Fleming
Lady Evelyn
The Secret Life of Ian Fleming follows the exciting life of a dashing young Ian Fleming, the mastermind behind the highly successful James Bond books and movies.
The Shell Seekers
After a mild heart attack at 63, Penelope Keeling is not ready to be an invalid yet...despite her children's attempts to take control of her life. She's given them everything she could over the years, but now they want Penelope to sell her most prized possession. Torn between the selfish demands of her children and her desire to hold onto cherished mementos of the past, Penelope must learn what is really important to her. She returns to the seashore, the only place she was ever truly free, in an unforgettable odyssey that will take her back to her home, her heart and another chance for happiness.
The Heat of the Day
In World War II England, a woman is approached by a man claiming to work as an intelligence agent who has found out her lover is a spy. He promises to not arrest him if she'll have a relationship with him.
Just Ask for Diamond
Betty Charlady/Brenda von Falkenberg
Thirteen-year-old Nick and his slightly dense older brother Herbert run the Diamond Private Detective Agency above Camden Town Tube Station in north-central London. When a master criminal called The Falcon dies, they come into possession of his box of chocolate Maltesers, which contains the secret key to a fabulous cache of diamonds. Can they unravel the mystery and avoid the clutches of seedy lowlifes Brenda Von Falkenberg, Gott and Himmell, The Fat Man and the dogmatic Chief Inspector Snape, all of whom want to find the swag first.
Assassinato em Hollywood
Christina Alperin
Tom Mix and Wyatt Earp team up to solve a murder at the Academy Awards in 1929 Hollywood.
The Death of the Heart
Anna Quayne
A young orphan girl, Portia, goes to live with her well-to-do aunt and uncle. As she is groomed to become a lady, she is confused by the young man who seems to be courting her. Surrounded by pretentious people who have no clue how to deal with teenagers, she soon loses her naïveté and thinks of running away.
Vilde, the Wild One
Edward's Wife
In a rural western town in 1890 a woman has a mute old daughter after relations with her step father, which in his need of money, wants to sell them off to a rich skin tradesman. While resisting this, the woman turns lame.
Hotel du Lac
Hotel du Lac, a screenplay version of the Booker prize-winning novel by Anita Brookner, starring Anna Massey, was released in 1986 as an episode of the BBC's "Screen Two" series.
Hay Fever
Myra Arundel
Set in a British country house in the 1920s, Hay Fever follows the outlandish bevaiour of the Bliss family when they each invite a guest to spend the weekend. Best described as a cross between high farce and a comedy of manners, Hay Fever is one of Coward's most popular plays.
Pinter's semi-autobiographical play examining the surprise attraction, shy first steps, gradual flowering, and treasonous deception of a woman's extramarital affair with her husband's best friend; the entire story is told from the husband's point of view, with the scenes in precise reverse chronological order. Written by Dan Hartung
Riding High
Miss Hemmings
Riding High is a 1981 British drama film directed by Ross Cramer and starring Eddie Kidd, Irene Handl and Murray Salem. The screenplay concerns a bored young motorcycle messenger who begins training to take part in a major competition.
In 1939, Charlotte Salomon leaves Berlin to seek refuge at her grandparents' villa in the south of France. A little later, war breaks out, and Charlotte must, besides forgetting all she left behind, deal with her grandmother's depression, and her mother's suicide. To fight despair, Charlotte starts to paint, producing over one thousand images. "Is my life real, or is it theater?" This is the title she gives her body of work, which highlights her former life in Berlin. She finds herself though her art, but in 1943 is deported to Germany and Auschwitz.
O Homem Elefante
Screaming Mum
A história de John Merrick, um desafortunado cidadão da Inglaterra vitoriana que era portador do caso mais grave de neurofibromatose múltipla registrado, tendo 90% do seu corpo deformado. Esta situação tendia fazer com que ele passasse toda a sua existência se exibindo em circos de variedades como um monstro. Inicialmente era considerado um débil mental pela sua dificuldade de falar, até que um médico, Frederick Treves, o descobriu e o levou para um hospital. Lá Merrick se liberou emocionalmente e intelectualmente, além de se mostrar uma pessoa sensível ao extremo, que conseguiu recuperar sua dignidade.
The One and Only Phyllis Dixey
Aspiring dancer Phyllis Dixey makes her name as a stripper.
Rosie Dixon - Night Nurse
Sister Belter
Young Rosie Dixon starts her nurse training at St Adelaide's Hospital, but the student doctors and randy male patients just can't keep their hands off her.
O Desaparecimento
Young Wife
The wife of contract killer disappears. When he is hired by an international organisation to carry out a hit, he suspects they are connected with her disappearance.
Great Big Groovy Horse
Rock musical retelling of the legend of the Trojan Horse.
Vida Nua
Ballet Teacher
O filme é uma adaptação da autobiografia de Quentin Crisp, um verdadeiro ícone gay da Inglaterra no século vinte, um homem que enfrentou com extraordinaria coragem o preconceito e as perseguições ao longo de décadas, sempre com inteligência e senso de humor. O filme é estrelado por John Hurt. Crisp era um pária mesmo entre os gays. Era efeminado, afeminado e não fazia questão alguma de esconder isso. Pelo contrário, dizia que essa era a sua "contribuição para a causa", décadas antes de se falar de "visibilidade gay". Foi um homem muito a frente de seu tempo, que jamais abdicou de seu direito de ser e de existir, ainda que tenha sofrido por conta disso. Ele foi um transgressor, no melhor sentido da palavra, e isso numa época em que a homossexualidade ainda dava cadeia na Inglaterra.