Uma comédia de humor negro que conta a história de uma família de cinco irmãos, uma mãe solteira e uma avozinha que vivem apertados num pequeno andar em Benfica. Tudo se complica no dia em que a emblemática mascote do Sardoal FC foge e o clube fica em risco de perder o campeonato.
Uma comédia de humor negro que conta a história de uma família de cinco irmãos, uma mãe solteira e uma avozinha que vivem apertados num pequeno andar em Benfica. Tudo se complica no dia em que a emblemática mascote do Sardoal FC foge e o clube fica em risco de perder o campeonato.
Uma comédia de humor negro que conta a história de uma família de cinco irmãos, uma mãe solteira e uma avozinha que vivem apertados num pequeno andar em Benfica. Tudo se complica no dia em que a emblemática mascote do Sardoal FC foge e o clube fica em risco de perder o campeonato.
Tired of being a banal architectural ornamental, a sculpture runs from the Louvre to confront real life on the streets of Paris.
Leonor volta de viagem num dia em que o seu pai (Francisco) já não a esperava.
No espaço de 24 horas viverão uma realidade alucinada, conduzida, em crescendo, pela inquietação de Francisco num registo de aparente normalidade.
Using a mix of Hollywood aesthetics with documentary strategies, the film follows a young indigenous girl from the Xingu National Park to São Paulo, where she falls in love with a robot that also happens to be a stand-up comedian. This strange story mixes the anthropology of humor, indigenous communities, and artificial intelligence.
Andy Coughman
Using a mix of Hollywood aesthetics with documentary strategies, the film follows a young indigenous girl from the Xingu National Park to São Paulo, where she falls in love with a robot that also happens to be a stand-up comedian. This strange story mixes the anthropology of humor, indigenous communities, and artificial intelligence.
A look back at the history of Brancusi's futuristic golden bronze phallus "Princess X" that is in fact a bust of Napoleon's incredible great-niece, Marie Bonaparte.
A look back at the history of Brancusi's futuristic golden bronze phallus "Princess X" that is in fact a bust of Napoleon's incredible great-niece, Marie Bonaparte.
A delirious sci-fi riff on the Arabian Nights' 'Tale of the Hunchback', that submerges us in a technological dystopia reigned by Dalaya.com, a mega-corporation that forces its employees to 'relax' at company-run medieval reenactments.
Rampa tells the story of Matilde, a middle-class prep-school girl in Lisbon, who finds herself at a social crossroads when her parents divorce and she’s forced to move to a low-income neighbourhood across town. It is just after Summer holiday when Matilde, young and insecure, returns to school – but after the Summer troublesome events, everything feels different.
Rampa tells the story of Matilde, a middle-class prep-school girl in Lisbon, who finds herself at a social crossroads when her parents divorce and she’s forced to move to a low-income neighbourhood across town. It is just after Summer holiday when Matilde, young and insecure, returns to school – but after the Summer troublesome events, everything feels different.
Rampa tells the story of Matilde, a middle-class prep-school girl in Lisbon, who finds herself at a social crossroads when her parents divorce and she’s forced to move to a low-income neighbourhood across town. It is just after Summer holiday when Matilde, young and insecure, returns to school – but after the Summer troublesome events, everything feels different.
Rampa tells the story of Matilde, a middle-class prep-school girl in Lisbon, who finds herself at a social crossroads when her parents divorce and she’s forced to move to a low-income neighbourhood across town. It is just after Summer holiday when Matilde, young and insecure, returns to school – but after the Summer troublesome events, everything feels different.
Em 2013, para celebrar o seu décimo aniversário, o IndieLisboa tinha convidado quatro realizadores a filmarem em Lisboa: Dominga Sotomayor e Marie Losier (vencedoras da Competição Internacional com “De Jueves a Domingo”, em 2012, e “The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye”, em 2011, respectivamente), e Denis Côté e Gabriel Abrantes, duas presenças recorrentes do festival. “Aqui, em Lisboa” é o surpreendente resultado – quatro autores com quatro visões diferentes da cidade de Lisboa, passando pelos registos da ficção, do documentário, da comédia ou do fantástico. Mas com o traço comum que espelha o festival que os acolhe: a independência.
When Edward’s search for his biological family leads him and his girlfriend Ryley to a magnificent villa high in the mountains of Northern Portugal, he is full of excitement at meeting his long-lost mother and twin brother. Finally, he will discover who he is and where he comes from. But nothing is as it seems, and Edward will soon learn that he is linked to them by a monstrous secret.