Valerio Garzia


Sergio Leone: The Way I See Things
Documentary about Sergio Leone
Romanzo di un giovane povero
Two neighbors, young Vincenzo and old Mr. Bartoloni, are utterly unhappy. On the one hand Vincenzo must lead a miserable and frustrating life as he cannot find any regular job, despite his Arts degree. On the other hand, Mr. Bartoloni is fed up with his despotic wife: the woman who used to be a beautiful artist is now a fat and shabby drunkard. The two men meet on a particularly sad night and, during an outburst Mr. Bartoloni asks Vincenzo to help him to get rid of his wife by simulating an accident with the promise of a considerable amount of money. At night Vincenzo can't sleep: Mr. Bartoloni wasn't joking and he is in a desperate need for money...
O Carteiro e o Poeta
Por razões políticas o poeta Pablo Neruda se exila em uma ilha na Itália. Lá, um desempregado quase analfabeto é contratado como "carteiro" extra, encarregado de cuidar da correspondência do poeta. Gradativamente se forma uma sólida amizade entre os dois. O carteiro Mario, aos poucos, aprende a escrever seus sentimentos por Beatrice, e Neruda ganha, em troca, um ouvinte compreensivo para suas lembranças saudosas do Chile.
Arriva la bufera
Depressed magistrate Damiano Fortezza relocates from Milan to a small town in Campania, where the three Fontana sisters, owners of a chain of incinerators, dominate. The youngest, Eugenia, is about to marry a well-known crook Fortezza has to prosecute. However, he ends up falling in love with Eugenia and questioning the priorities of his job.
Parente é Serpente
A ceia de Natal está pronta. A família Colapietro irradia paz e tranquilidade. A casa paterna se enche de risos, gritinhos de crianças, muitas lembranças em comum, muitos segredinhos, histórias picantes e fofocas para trocar. Antecipando as delícias da mesa, todos esperam o momento de começar a mais esperada comemoração do ano. Então, a matriarca da família anuncia que ela e o marido estão muito velhos para continuarem vivendo sozinhos e decidiram ir morar com um de seus filhos ou filhas. É claro que ninguém quer ficar com os velhos, e a festa ameaça virar uma autêntica batalha entre irmãos, todos ansiosos para se livrarem da incômoda responsabilidade.
Marcelino, Pão e Vinho
Remake do filme homônimo de Ladislao Vajda. No século XVII, após uma longa guerra, os monges de um humilde mosteiro encontram um bebê recém-nascido entre as ruínas de uma casa e decidem levá-lo para morar com eles.
Rossini ! Rossini !
An funny, witty and bright biopic by the master of italian comedy Mario Monicelli about the famed italian composer Gioacchino Rossini, here portrayed in a wonderful way by famed actor and later director Sergio Castellitto.
'o Re
One of the key factors in Italian unification was the overthrow in 1860 of Francesco, the King of Naples and the two Sicilies, who went into elegant but impoverished exile in Rome with his Queen, Maria Sofia. This seriocomic drama follows the deposed royals as they adapt to their new lives. The former king has recognized the political finality of his deposition, but his queen has taken to traveling in men's clothing all over Italy trying to foment an uprising to restore them to the throne. She is also frantic to have a baby, an heir, but the king has become celibate as a kind of homage to his beloved mother; he spends all his time lobbying the Vatican to get her declared a saint.
A Missa Acabou
The young priest Father Giulio returns to Rome, his hometown, after a long pilgrimage. Don Giulio hopes to live peacefully with his family and his friends, but discovers that many of them are depressed or frustrated, and some suicidal.
Casablanca, Casablanca
Francesco forgot billiards because now he lives with Chiara. She is a musician and she would like to become famous. Francesco is different: he found in her the reason of his life. But when she accepts a job far from home, Francesco comes back to billiards.
Miss Right
After falling for Juliette, the woman of his dreams, a womanizing journalist in Rome must dump his numerous female lovers one by one.
Sonhos de ouro
Michele criticizes the film industry and its inhabitants, and is particularly embattled with a Neapolitan director making a musical about the 1968 student demonstrations. At the same time, Michele has a creative block and struggles to finish his film titled "Freud’s Mother." Nanni Moretti’s self-inquiry into filmmaking, political ennui, and men’s relations with their mothers.
Men or Not Men
In Milan, in the winter of 1944, the ruthless Cane Nero leads the fascists against the partisans. Enne 2, one of the leading figures of the C.N.L., meets Berta, whom he loved three years ago, but Berta refuses to leave her husband for him. Enne 2 is pursued by the fascists of Cane Nero and, instead of running away to Turin, waits for Berta to rejoin him
Best Boy Electric
Calígula é uma das mais polêmicas produções do cinema, o único que mostra o show de perversões que o Império Romano escondia. Este filme conta a história de Calígula, o mais louco dos imperadores, que mantinha um bizarro caso sexual com sua irmã e era casado com a mais infame das prostitutas. Ao mesmo tempo que Calígula vivia cercado de bajuladores, tinha também inimigos perigosos, loucos para vê-lo longe do poder.
Sahara Cross
Jean Bellard and Carl Mank, two Western engineers supported by Hamid are in search of a terrorist group that murdered their colleague in the Tunisian desert.
Plot of Fear
Plot of Fear tells the story of a decadent weekend party full of orgies and drugs on the outskirts of Milan. After two deaths occur Inspector Lomenzo interrogates one of the guests, a fashion model who becomes his informant, as well as his lover. Clery reveals that after a “wildlife orgy”one of the hosts tried to jokingly feed one of the prostitutes to a tiger but she got so frightened that she died of heart attack. In his attempt to find a connection between the victims, he investigates a cutting-edge security and surveillance firm whose director has secrets of his own to hide.
La Tosca
Rome, 1800. Napoleon threatens the power of the Church and executions of Jacobins are constant. Angelotti, the most famous of them all has escaped from prison and the chief of police is on his tail. Angelotti is being helped by a painter, lover of "La Tosca", a famous singer. The police chief suspects the truth and tries to arouse the jealousy of "La Tosca" to catch the escapee.
Who Saw Her Die?
Giallo thriller about a child killer roaming the streets of Venice. The family of the latest victim begin their own investigation. Soon finding they are in way over their heads, the killer now begins to target those who have discovered too much.
Quatro Moscas Sobre Veludo Cinza
O músico Roberto Tobias está sendo seguido há dias por um homem que não conhece. Ao confrontá-lo num teatro abandonado, acaba matando acidentalmente o desconhecido, e no mesmo momento uma figura mascarada fotografa o crime. A partir de então, Tobias começa a ser perseguido implacavelmente por um vilão que não pretende matá-lo, mas enlouquecê-lo aos poucos com a lembrança da culpa do ato que cometeu.
Best Boy Grip
Uma jovem noiva foge da própria festa de casamento com um estranho e inicia uma viagem épica por paisagens cada vez mais bizarras. Eles encontram animais falantes, viajam por um hotel psicodélico surrealista, incitam um motim na prisão e fogem de canibais nus que vivem em uma árvore.
Nel giorno del signore
Margherita nicknamed Fornarina is Raphael's mistress. Beatrice, a noblewoman who is also in love with the famous painter tries to get her out of the way, by having her wrongly accused of the murder of a loan shark, whom she has in reality killed herself. Fornarina is sentenced to death. Will Raphael manage to prove her innocent?
Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast It
After many years of living abroad, a troubled young man returns home due to the death of his father (who he suspects was actually murdered). He attempts to untangle that mystery while still carrying an unhealthy obsession toward his mother, who committed suicide ten years ago. This obsession then draws in his attractive cousin and takes a sexual turn.