Giorgi Bochorishvili

Giorgi Bochorishvili


Giorgi Bochorishvili


What Do We See When We Look at the Sky?
Na cidade ribeirinha de Kutaisi, Geórgia, o amor de verão e a febre da Copa do Mundo estão no ar. Depois de se encontrarem algumas vezes por acaso, os planos da farmacêutica Lisa e do jogador de futebol Giorgi são frustrados quando acordam magicamente transformados, sem forma de se reconhecerem.
Lifetime friends and neighbors from the same year in Old Tbilisi turn into enemies and confront their fellow neighbor's family when an investor shows up to buy their yard and houses.
The change in Giorgi’s life could not be more radical. The city, art, his regular, middle-class existence and his marriage to Ana are all behind him. Now he is alone. Giorgi goes into isolation on a small barren island in a simple hut by the sea. In an inhospitable environment, surrounded only by a handful of strangers, between chicken farming and duck hunting, he is trying to pick up the pieces of his life. But his wounds are deep, and the shadows of his happy past repeatedly catch up with him.
Let the Summer Never Come Again
A young man leaves his village to go into the city to audition to enter a dance company. He then is involved in illegal activities such as boxing and sleeping with men for money. Unwillingly, he falls in love with a man and suddenly is accepted in and starts dancing in the company. But his life will turn upside down when his lover goes to war and he returns to his village.