Cinzia Angelini


Cinzia Angelini is a writer, story artist and director who has worked in the animation industry for more than twenty-five years. She has written and is currently directing Mila, a high-quality CG short film about a little girl whose life takes an unexpected turn in WWII. The film is produced by the largest independent, world-wide, virtual studio collaboration ever created. UNICEF Italy is just one of the many sponsors who have joined the Mila team in their groundbreaking endeavor. The team consists of 350 animation professionals, who volunteer their time and considerable talent from 35 countries to make the film. Mila is set to be released in 2020. After working in London and Munich for Amblimation and then Warner Bros, Cinzia moved to Los Angeles to start the American chapter of her career. While her first Hollywood studio was Dreamworks, she eventually followed a path that would lead to a series of collaborations as animator and story artist, with all of the major studios, such as Sony Imageworks, Walt Disney Animation, Warner Bros, and Illumination Entertainment. Cinzia is currently directing an upcoming animated feature film for Cinesite. Her work includes Balto, Prince of Egypt, Eldorado, Spirit, Sinbad, Spider-man 2, Open Season, Meet the Robinsons, Bolt, The Minions Movie, Despicable Me 3, The Grinch, Abominable and her soon to be released short film, Mila. The notoriety she gained from her development of the virtual studio and crew for Mila led to an invitation to speak at TEDx Trento in 2017, and then again at TEDx Vail in 2018. There she introduced her idea of bridging cultural diversity through the magic of animation. Cinzia has an unbridled passion for all types of animation. Her years directing at the helm of the large international crew for Mila, combined with the experience she gained as animator and story artist on some of the biggest animated features of our time, give her a unique ability to work on a wide spectrum of projects.


After the Trento bombing in Italy 1943, the CG animated short film is the story is of a little girl named Mila. It focuses on the collateral damage affecting the civilian population, and especially the children.
After the Trento bombing in Italy 1943, the CG animated short film is the story is of a little girl named Mila. It focuses on the collateral damage affecting the civilian population, and especially the children.
After the Trento bombing in Italy 1943, the CG animated short film is the story is of a little girl named Mila. It focuses on the collateral damage affecting the civilian population, and especially the children.
O Grinch
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Meu Malvado Favorito 3
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Storyboard Artist
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O Príncipe do Egito
No Egito antigo, quando os hebreus lá viviam como escravos e o faraó Seti, temendo o constante nascimento de crianças hebréias, pois no futuro poderiam se tornar uma força que ameaçasse seu poder, ordena que todos os bebês hebreus do sexo masculino sejam afogados. Uma hebréia se desespera ao ver que seu filho poderá ser morto e, para salvá-lo, o coloca em uma cesta no rio. A criança acaba sendo encontrada pela rainha, assim Moisés criado como irmão de Ramsés, o herdeiro do trono de Seti. Os dois crescem e se tornam grande amigos, mas Moisés acaba descobrindo sua origem, decide abandonar o palácio e libertar os hebreus, para levá-los para a Terra Prometida.
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