Pieter Tiddens

Pieter Tiddens


Pieter Tiddens


Lenette van Dongen: Paradijskleier
Katinka Polderman: Polderman Draagt een Steentje Bij
In this comedy show the Dutch comedian Katinka Polderman explains (in songs and stories) how her motherhood influenced her view of the relationship between humans and animals.
Lenette van Dongen: Tegenwind
Miracle Monks
Land Surveyor
Five monks live harmoniously in the monastery but suddenly their peace is disturbed by a gang of construction workers. The leader of the church sold the monastery to the town council, and now their beloved home is destined to become a spa! The monks' desperate attempts to stop this situation seem in vain, but then - a miracle! The monastery is saved. But that is just the start of their troubles...
Um filme de Paul Verhoeven com Peter Blok, Robert de Hoog : Os colegas de trabalho de Remco (Peter Blok) armam para o empresário durante sua festa de aniversário de 50 anos, organizado pela própria esposa, ao expor no jantar a ex-amante grávida de Remco. Para completar, a amante atual (Gaite Jansen) ...
Pieter Tiddens: Vooruit! Nog Één Keer Kindercabaret, Nu Nog Anders!
A comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist (and actor and singer and musician) Pieter Tiddens. The show is about the mutability of life. Why can't things stay as they are?
Pieter Tiddens: Vooruit! Nog Één Keer Kindercabaret, Nu Nog Anders!
A comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist (and actor and singer and musician) Pieter Tiddens. The show is about the mutability of life. Why can't things stay as they are?
Pieter Tiddens: Lessen in Liegen
Stage registration of the comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens. 'Lessen in liegen' ('Lessons in Lying') is about commercials aimed at children, make-believe and phoneyness.
Pieter Tiddens: Lessen in Liegen
Stage registration of the comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens. 'Lessen in liegen' ('Lessons in Lying') is about commercials aimed at children, make-believe and phoneyness.
Pieter Tiddens: Boos voor Beginners
Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens. A divorced father and his daughter go on vacation together and end up going from one adventure to another.
Pieter Tiddens: Boos voor Beginners
Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens. A divorced father and his daughter go on vacation together and end up going from one adventure to another.
A Espiã
Rachel Rosenthal é uma cantora judia que, durante uma tentativa de fuga, perde toda sua família em um ataque alemão. Ela se apaixona pelo oficial alemão que ela deveria espionar e quando suspeitam de um traidor dentro da resistência, ela é forçada a escolher o lado onde a sua lealdade está.
Pieter Tiddens: De Zoektocht naar 'Cool'
Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens.
Pieter Tiddens: De Zoektocht naar 'Cool'
Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens.
Pieter Tiddens: De Zoektocht naar 'Cool'
Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens.