Kermit Murdock

Nascimento : 1908-03-20, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Morte : 1981-02-11


Kermit Murdock (20 March 1908 – 11 February 1981) was an American film, television and radio actor known for his avuncular and professorial character portrayals. His more prominent character roles in major motion pictures included Dean Pollard in Splendor in the Grass (1961), Henderson in In the Heat of The Night (1967), and Dr. Robertson in The Andromeda Strain (1970). He is also well known for his voice acting in many episodes of the 1950s science fiction radio series X Minus One. He was in The Mysterious Traveler episode "Survival of the Fittest" with Everett Sloane, and was featured in an episode of the series Adventure Ahead. He appeared in character roles in television drama of the 1960s and 1970s including episodes of Kung Fu, The Mod Squad, and The Defenders. He portrayed a prosecutor of witches in the Star Trek episode, "All Our Yesterdays".


The Godchild
Nathaniel Mony
Three Union POWs fleeing across the desert to escape both their Confederate pursuers and rampaging Apaches come across a dying woman and her infant child. They promise the woman that they will take care of the child and get it to safety, even though none of them knows anything whatsoever about children or babies.
O Enigma de Andrômeda
Dr. Robertson
Quando praticamente todos os moradores de Piedmont, no Novo México, são encontrados mortos após a queda de um satélite espacial, o chefe do Projeto Scoop da Força Aérea dos EUA declara uma emergência. Então um grupo de cientistas, liderados pelo Dr. Jeremy Stone (Arthur Hill), vão para uma instalação ultra segura conhecida como Wildfire para tentar descobrir e isolar uma possível forma de vida extraterrestre.
Num Dia Claro de Verão
Hoyt III
Os talentos do aclamado diretor Vincente Minnelli (Agora Seremos Felizes, Sinfonia de Paris) e da lendária Barbra Streisand se combinam para criar esta produção da Broadway nas telas, em grande estilo. Streisand é Daisy Gamble, uma fumante compulsiva desesperada para largar o vício. Ela encontra o tratamento perfeito com o Dr. Marc Chabot (Yves Montand), um psiquiatra que usa a hipnose. Mas quando entra em transe, Daisy retorna a vidas passadas e assume diferentes personalidades incluindo Melinda, uma perua inglesa do século 19. E antes que se possa dizer amour, Dr. Marc se apaixona pela envolvente e encantadora Melinda... enquanto que Daisy, por sua vez, cai de quatro pelo charmoso hipnotizador ! A participação de Bob Newhart e Jack Nicholson aumentam ainda mais a diversão nesta sensacional comédia romântica.
Dial Hot Line
Fourth Board Member
The head of a psychiatric telephone hotline inspires his associates to get out of the office and into the streets to help people with psychiatric problems.
The Lonely Profession
Private investigator Leo Gordon is hired to trail Karen Mendaros, the mistress of a reclusive billionaire. When they meet, Gordon and Mendaros hit it off and check in at a motel. Gordon wakes up the next morning and discovers that Mendaros had been murdered during the night. Gordon opens his own investigation of Mendaros' past in an attempt to determine who killed Mendaros and why he's been set up as the fall guy.
The Whole World Is Watching
2nd Judge
A student radical, accused of murdering a cop during a campus revolt, welcomes a court confrontation and then refuses to take the stand, despite the urging of the three high-priced lawyers he has hired to represent him in this second pilot of "The Lawyers," a rotating segment of "The Bold Ones" series.
No Calor da Noite
Quando um rico empresário que planejava construir uma fábrica na cidade de Sparta, no estado do Mississipi, é encontrado assassinado em uma rua escura, o chefe de polícia Bill Gillespie pede a seus homens que procurem nas cercanias. O guarda Sam encontra o negro Virgil Tibbs na estação, esperando o trem das três da manhã para Memphis e suspeita dele. Ao revistá-lo e ver a carteira de Tibbs com muito dinheiro, Sam resolve levá-lo para a delegacia.