Paul Kiely


The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee
Script Supervisor
Paul tries to restore his sullied reputation on the eve of being knighted.
Relíquia Macabra
Script Supervisor
Quando a velha mãe Edna inexplicavelmente some, cabe à filha Kay e à neta Sam viajar para a decrépita casa de campo da família para encontrar pistas de sua demência espalhadas pela casa.
Judy & Punch - Amor e Vingança
Script Supervisor
Uma história de amor e vingança. Judy e Punch são artistas de um espetáculo de marionetes em Seaside, uma cidade dominada pela pobreza e violência. Apesar do sucesso das suas apresentações teatrais, a vida do casal é cheia de caos e tragédias, uma mistura entre conto de fadas e realidade que acaba com uma vingança feroz e sombria, mas ao mesmo tempo cômica e épica.
Script Supervisor
Preocupado com o futuro da filha, o cineasta Damon Gameau viaja o mundo em busca de novas abordagens e soluções para as mudanças climáticas. Ele se reúne com inovadores e agentes de mudança em muitos campos para criar uma visão de como essas medidas poderiam regenerar o mundo para as gerações futuras.
Holding the Man
Script Supervisor
Tim e John se apaixonam enquanto adolescentes. John era o capitão do time de futebol americano, Tim um aspirante a ator desempenhando um papel menor em Romeu e Julieta. O romance perdurou por 15 anos para rir na cara de tudo que a vida jogou para eles - separações, discriminações, tentações, ciúmes e perdas.
Script Supervisor
Viktor Kahdem is a man who has almost given up on life, sentenced to a low-security prison farm, a completely non-threatening environment where it is still felt that some individuals can be reformed. At Won Wron, Case Worker Matt Perry has established a unique program to rehabilitate broken men through giving them the responsibility for the rehabilitation of injured raptors - beautiful, fearsome proud eagles, falcons and owls. Against all odds, Matt takes on Viktor as his number one test case, introducing him to Yasmine, the majestic wedge tailed eagle with a 2 metre wingspan. If these two can tame each other, anything is possible.
Dangerous Remedy
Script Supervisor
The ABC telemovie event Dangerous Remedy tells the fascinating story of Dr Bertram Wainer. Living and working in Melbourne in the 1960s, Dr Wainer put his life at risk to expose police corruption in an effort to change the law on abortion and put an end to the illegal operations that were killing young women. It’s a truly inspiring story. Dr Wainer’s determination, even when his own life and that of his family’s was threatened, never faltered. He was living proof that one person can make a difference and change the status quo. With the support of Dr Wainer’s family, the filmmakers have endeavoured to capture the essence of his struggle to expose police corruption and change the law.
Any Questions for Ben?
Script Supervisor
Três solteirões convictos saem à procura de romances rápidos nos restaurantes, bares e boates de Melbourne.
South Solitary
Script Supervisor
Meredith is a 35 year-old unmarried woman who arrives at a remote lighthouse island 1928 with her uncle the new head keeper.
Uma Garota Diferente
Script Supervisor
Esther Blueburger é uma tímida aluna que não consegue se adaptar ao colégio particular em que estuda. Ao conhecer a jovem Sunni, ela resolve estudar clandestinamente na escola pública da amiga, onde é apresentada a um mundo totalmente diferente do seu.
The Home Song Stories
Script Supervisor
Tom, now in his 40s, begins to write the memoirs of his 1960s childhood, as the little boy whose mother Rose was a glamorous Shanghai nightclub singer. When Rose meets Aussie sailor Bill, they are quickly married, and she packs up Tom and his older sister May to head for Melbourne. The marriage just as quickly breaks up and Rose moves with the kids to Sydney. After a succession of male friends and little success, in 1971 Rose moves back to Melbourne, in an uncomfortable arrangement living again with Bill – and his mother. With Bill called away to sea, Rose takes up with young Chinese cook Joe, but despair and conflicts over May's relationship with Joe tear the family further apart. Little Tom is deeply hurt, but May's ongoing conflict with her mother takes a respite when Rose tells her daughter about her traumatic teenage years.
Script Supervisor
Candy é uma pintora jovem e talentosa e Dan, um poeta promissor. Ambos são viciados em drogas. Quando se encontram, é amor à primeira vista. No início, sentem como se tivessem encontrado o paraíso. Mas, como em todos os paraísos, também neste há um pecado original: a heroína. Ambos acreditam que a felicidade não tem limites. Com o decorrer do tempo, percebem que não têm como sobreviver. Candy precisa se prostituir, e Dan não a impede. Eles decidem fortalecer o amor que os une e se casam.
Three Dollars
Script Supervisor
Eddie is a principled man, with a wife, a daughter and a mortgage and leads a seemingly stable and happy life as a government land assessor. Yet when the forces of economic and social change threaten this, he realises just how fragile his reality and security is. After losing his job, he checks his bank balance and finds he has only 'three dollars' to his name.
The Brush-Off
Script Supervisor
The political adviser to Australia's Minister of the Arts investigates the suspicious death of a disgruntled artist.
Script Supervisor
Australian teenager Heidi is left with little choice but to leave home after she's caught red-handed with her mother's boyfriend. With few options, Heidi ends up in Jindabyne, a tourist community. Upon meeting Joe at a bar, she pursues a relationship with him and tries to find something resembling a normal home life. Heidi makes small strides by getting a job and finding a place to stay, but her relationship with Joe must overcome more than its share of hurdles.
After the Deluge
Script Supervisor
Follows the stories of the four men of the Kirby family. As Alex's marriage breaks apart, Toby tries desperately to start a family, and Marty tries to kick-start his faded music career as well as find a meaningful relationship with someone his own age, all three must come to terms with their father's mental state. Cliff, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, is reliving his disturbing memories of the war and his first love, as a part of his experiences of the present . Through all four stories, we uncover a families troubled past, and their struggle towards a reconciled future.
When dwindling membership and increasing overheads makes a local bowling club a prime candidate for a takeover, it's all hands on deck to save the club, in what turns into an epic battle where young meets old, greed meets good and people rise to the occasion in extraordinary circumstances.
A Telephone Call for Genevieve Snow
Genevieve Snow is a piano teacher at a school for girls. Genevieve is lonely. Nigel is lonely too - he telephones people he doesn't know. One day, Nigel calls Genevieve. Nigel wants to talk about wolves and Genevieve seems prepared to listen.