Giordano Falzoni


A Voz da Lua
il professore
O lunático Salvini observa o mundo de maneira diferente, procurando sempre achar o seu lado poético, como se a Lua o guiasse
Brother Callisto
In the 17th century, an order of monks in Italy capture and entomb a demon that has possessed a member of their group. 400 years later, school teacher Elizabeth Magrino visits the monastery in order to do some research. What she and the current monks do not realize is that the evil hiding within the catacombs has unwittingly been released.
O Nome da Rosa
Papal Envoy
Em 1327, William de Baskerville, um monge franciscano, e Adso von Melk, um noviço que o acompanha, chegam a um remoto mosteiro no norte da Itália. William de Baskerville pretende participar de um conclave para decidir se a Igreja deve doar parte de suas riquezas, mas a atenção é desviada por vários assassinatos que acontecem no mosteiro. William de Baskerville começa a investigar o caso, que se mostra bastante intrincando, além dos mais religiosos acreditarem que é obra do Demônio. William de Baskerville não partilha desta opinião, mas antes que ele conclua as investigações Bernardo Gui (F. Murray Abraham), o Grão-Inquisidor, chega no local e está pronto para torturar qualquer suspeito de heresia que tenha cometido assassinatos em nome do Diabo. Considerando que ele não gosta de Baskerville, ele é inclinado a colocá-lo no topo da lista dos que são diabolicamente influenciados.
Troppo forte
Amilcare Cecconi
Oscar dreams of becoming an actor or a stuntman. To contact a manufacturer he stages an accident and consequently injures a young actress, then tries to limit the damage by taking the girl to his home.
All for the Moral Majority!
priore del convento
The incorruptible judge Annibale Salvemini, starts investigating over a classic Italian business/politics/corruption affair. He start to operate, as usual, very strongly. He orders numberless arrests. But the reaction of counterparts won't take long. In fact his strong energetic manners, drive him unintentionally on the opposite situation. Who is the real guilty the judge or the corrupted Italian society?
O Estripador de Nova York
Dr. Barry Jones
A burned-out New York police detective teams up with a college psychoanalyst to track down a vicious serial killer randomly stalking and killing various young women around the city.
O Leão do Deserto
Judge at Camp
Em 1922, com a ascenção de Mussolini e dos fascismo, a Itália como as outras potências européias, procuram aumentar suas zonas de comércio e exploração na África. A Itália volta os olhos para a Libia, onde iniciam uma grande guerra contra o povo local que resiste bravamente contra as forças modernas italianas. Os beduinos comandados pelo lider local Omar Mukhtar iniciam uma grande batalha pra expulsar as tropas italianas, que cada vez mais investem em armas e massacram o povo libiano. A intenção de Mussolini é dominar o Norte da África, porém ele encontra um grande obstáculo no líder da rebelião beduína Omar Mukhtar / Quinn. A única solução para garantir a vitória no combate é enviar um destemido general, que organiza uma operação violenta e sanguinária. Filme fidelíssimo à História, que mostra a determinação do povo com as medidas imperialistas dos colonizadores italianos. Com um elenco perfeito, Akkad dirige as cenas de guerra com forte realismo. Um filme de guerra fantástico.
The Warning
avvocato Milanesi
It is a law police officials obey out of fear. A rule chilling in its simplicity. Accept corruption...or die! They have sealed an unholy alliance. The great banks of Europe. And the blackhearted underworld empire. Together, with their matchless wealth, there is no stopping their almighty, corrosive power. Even the police force's investigation into the diabolical link has been polluted by corruption and terror! When key police officials of the inquiry are viciously assassinated, only two honest men remain--a commissioner and police chief--to carry out the suicidal investigation. And they must fight a deepening mistrust of each other. For they too, know the only rule of the game. They too, have been warned!
Cigarette smugglers in Naples run into problems with cocaine operations being set up by a rival smuggler.
Il grande freddo
A film about painting and its denial concerning Giordano struggling with the Sleeping Beauty, this is the challenge. Will art, free of museums and academies be able to give back to the child raped and abandoned on the snow, the desire to go on living? Giordano, Prince Charming bearing butterfly catchers and rotating optical games, plods along sinking into the snow and…. but revolutionary creativity is not the one that makes the bird in the cage sink: is it the reason why the imprisoned bird breaks the cage.
Long Live The Orgonauts!
In the distant future, a spaceship inhabited by a group of young descendants of a "subversive" minority who escaped the destruction of the Earth, recovers a capsule in which the hibernating body of a reactionary warmonger has been preserved, who after having caused war and death, it has abandoned the now unlivable Earth. The visual experimentation aimed at the liberation of the gaze is intertwined with psychedelic visions on the one hand and with the orgone theory of Reichian memory on the other.