Marvin Paige


Why Be Good?: Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema
Associate Producer
Before the G, PG and R ratings system there was the Production Code, and before that there was, well, nothing. This eye-opening documentary examines the rampant sexuality of early Hollywood through movie clips and reminiscences by stars of the era. Gloria Swanson, Mary Pickford, Marlene Dietrich and others relate tales of the artistic freedom that led to the draconian Production Code, which governed content from 1934 to 1968. Diane Lane narrates.
Breakfast at Tiffany's: The Making of a Classic
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of "Breakfast at Tiffany's".
Hedy Lamarr: Secrets of a Hollywood Star
"Secrets of a Hollywood Star" is another documentary made after "Calling Hedy Lamarr" in 2006. It features interviews with Hedy's friends in both Europe and Hollywood and her film/studio partners.
The Man Next Door
A community is shocked to learn that their new neighbor is a convicted sex offender who has been paroled.
King Kong 60th Anniversary Special:
Documentary on the making of the 1933 RKO film King Kong. Contains interviews with George Turner, Linwood Dunn, Rudy Behlmer.
Nightmares of the past haunt the beautiful, mysterious Olivia, a London resident who begins a passionate affair with American businessman Mike. Trapped in a loveless marriage and traumatized by memories of her mother's brutal murder, Olivia hopes her lover will offer a chance at a new life. However, ghostly voices and brutal murders ignite a fiendish, twist-filled story of double identities, deception, and erotic terror.
Farewell to the Planet of the Apes
When the astronauts Burke and Virdon, with their chimp companion Galen, are captured in a fishing village that employs human slave labor, they must prove their worth as fishermen or be sacrificed to the 'gods of the sea,' or what the men call sharks. Escaping from the forced labor camp, the trio become involved in a plot to develop a glider to drop a fragmentation bomb on the gorilla council. [The fifth of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Tomorrow's Tide" and "Up Above the World So High"]
Back to the Planet of the Apes
Astronauts Pete Burke and Allan Virdon crash on Earth in the far future and are captured by the apes. The men befriend a chimp named Galen who helps them to escape. In the hopes of finding a way to get back to their own time, the astronauts search for a computer in an eathquake-threatened city, with which they will be able to access their flight records. [The first of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Escape from Tomorrow" and "The Trap"]
A young man invents a robot dog that has super strength, x-ray vision and can detect crimes being committed. A greedy businessman tries to steal the boy's invention from him.
O Caminho das Estrelas
Quando uma entidade espacial destrutiva é avistada a aproximar-se da Terra, o Almirante James T. Kirk regressa à nova e transformada nave U.S.S. Enterprise para interceptar, examinar e, principalmente, deter a ameaça.
Gas Pump Girls
June and her friends take over a service station formerly run by her uncle. They perform every trick in the book to attract the customers.
Sextette - A Grande Estrela
On the day of her wedding to her sixth husband, a glamorous silver screen sex symbol is asked to intervene in a political dispute between nations, which leads to chaos.
Day of the Animals
The depletion of the earth's ozone layer causes animals above the altitude of 5000 feet to run amok, which is very unfortunate for a group of hikers who get dropped off up there by helicopter just before the quarantine is announced.
Mayday at 40,000 Feet!
The co-pilot and engineer of a passenger jet struggle to keep the plane airborne after a marshal onboard, transporting a murderer to prison, has a heart attack and the killer uses his gun to shoot the captain and blow out the hydraulics.
Time Travelers
When a novel virus devastates the world in 1976, Dr. Earnshaw notices that it resembles a virus that a Dr. Henderson found a cure for in 1871 Chicago. However, the doctor perished and his notes were destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire. Earnshaw is approached by a government agent, Jeffrey Adams, who informs him of a Top Secret time traveling technology and asks for his assistance in finding Dr. Henderson and his cure. But their adventure becomes a race against time when a glitch sends them back to the day before the fire instead of the planned four days.
Terminal Island
Após ser julgada por um crime que não cometeu, uma mulher é condenada à prisão perpétua na chamada Terminal Island, uma prisão anárquica onde homens assassinos fazem as regras e as mulheres revidam.
The Mack
Goldie returns from five years at the state pen and winds up king of the pimping game. Trouble comes in the form of two corrupt white cops and a crime lord who wants him to return to the small time.
Tudo o que Você Sempre Quis Saber Sobre Sexo (Mas Tinha Medo de Perguntar)
Woody Allen pega o livro sobre sexo de David Reuben e explora seus capítulos humoristicamente. Dentre as principais sequencias, o filme mostra o corpo humano por dentro, em pleno ato sexual, um cientista que quer criar a máquina de sexo, a mulher que só tem orgasmo em locais perigosos, dentre outras.
Marcados Pela Vingança
Vaqueiro vê a família ser massacrada por bando de índios e ladrões de cavalos, liderados por dois homens brancos, que fogem para o México e escapam da polícia americana. O vaqueiro arregimenta seis fugitivos da prisão e parte para a vingança.
The Honkers
An over-the-hill rodeo champion is so self-centered that he ignores his wife, son, and best friend.
Fúria Selvagem
No início dos anos 1800, um grupo de caçadores de peles e comerciantes com índios estão retornando com seus ganhos para a civilização e estão tentando desesperadamente não ser pegos pelo inverno que se aproxima. Quando o guia Zachary Bass fica ferido em um ataque de urso, eles decidem que ele não têm salvação e o deixam para morrer. Mas ele consegue se recuperar e resolve se vingar, e vai em busca dos que o abandonaram, inclusive do paranoico líder de expedição. A história foi refilmada em O Regresso (2015). (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Um Assaltante Bem Trapalhão
A história de Virgil Starkwell, um assaltante medíocre, é contada com pompas de uma lenda moderna, como uma paródia de Butch Cassidy e Sundance Kid ou Jesse James, num relato pseudo biográfico em forma de documentário sensacionalista. Ele rouba chicletes com sucesso quando garoto, mas quando resolve evoluir, nada dá certo. Adulto e desastrado, não consegue assaltar nenhum banco. É preso várias vezes e se apaixona por Louise, ao tentar roubá-la. Mas Virgil não desiste do crime por excesso de estupidez, pois sua vida é um interminável entra-e-sai de prisões. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
The Angry Breed
In Vietnam, aspiring actor Johnny Taylor is given a prize film script after saving the life of a Hollywood screenwriter. On his return, Johnny has trouble finding a studio that will let him play the lead until he saves producer Vance Patton's daughter Diane from a cycle-gang attack. The grateful father sends him to agent Mori Thompson, but Thompson wants the script for gang leader Deek Stacy. Deek and his agent feed Johnny LSD and drag him away to the dungeon during the producer's Halloween party.
Desembarque Sangrento
American troops storm ashore on a Japanese-held island and push inland while their enemies plan a counterattack in this look at warfare. Soldiers on both sides are haunted by memories of home and the horrifying, sickening images they find in combat.