Co-Executive Producer
Apesar de estar muito feliz com o casamento recente de seus melhores amigos, Tracy continua cética em relação à lenda do véu de noiva, especialmente após o fim de um longo relacionamento. Mas o destino lhe prepara uma surpresa.
Production Coordinator
When crime reporter Ruby Herring receives clues to a murder that happened five years earlier involving a local psychic, she joins forces with Detective Jake Killian to help crack the case.
Production Coordinator
The team work to reunite a wedding dress with its rightful recipient, but find that they may have far more to do. Meanwhile, Rita and Norman’s wedding plans present new challenges.
Production Coordinator
Uma cirurgiã viúva visita a plantação de pera de sua família na esperança de se reconectar com seu filho distante. Ela começa a se apaixonar pelo administrador da fazenda, Will, que está cultivando uma nova pera híbrida, e ensina a ela a importância de sua herança.
Production Coordinator
Após comprar um antigo gravador de rolo em uma liquidação de garagem, Jenn descobre a gravação de pedido de socorro de um homem desesperado. De onde provém essa gravação macabra?
Production Coordinator
Jennifer encontra o corpo de um professor de história da faculdade local escondido na armadura do século XV que comprou para um cliente rico. Enquanto diminui o número de suspeitos de assassinato, ela se vê presa na rede de mentiras perigosas do assassino.
Production Coordinator
Famous country singer John Dalton's concert rehearsal is stalled when the entire crew receives a suicide note from Lita, the band’s bassist. After discovering that a Taser was used to immobilize her before her death, Jenn is skeptical that Lita’s death was actually suicide.
Production Coordinator
Annie Winters é uma cliente de longa data da Venda de Garagem de Jenn, e seu marido Garret é um rico empresário da Internet. Quando o corpo morto de Garret é encontrado na praia, parece um aparente acidente de surf. Mas Annie não acredita que a morte tenha sido acidental e pede que Jenn investigue mais de perto.
Production Coordinator
A woman expecting to get engaged on her all-important 30th birthday gets a different surprise after she makes her birthday wish: a glimpse into her future – which doesn’t resemble anything she’s ever imagined for herself.
Production Coordinator
Durante a criação de uma venda de garagem de caridade, Jennifer Shannon descobre um corpo no sótão de uma casa nas proximidades. Usando seu olho para os detalhes, bem como sua experiência com antiguidades e assassinatos, Jennifer reúne pistas que ajudam a pegar um assassino.
Production Coordinator
Oliver's Divine Delivery Theory is put to the test when he and the POstables seem to be unable to deliver a damaged letter from a military veteran that's a matter of life and death.
Production Coordinator
Lead postal detective Oliver and his associate Shane have been doing a figurative dance with each other, swaying back and forth with the possibility of a relationship. Finally, on their first date at a romantic supper club, Shane begins wondering if it's a date or not, as she sees the contrast of their relationship next to the extraordinary dance performances of a couple who express the longing of her heart. As Norman and Rita work alongside each other, their personal relationship hits a bump in the road.
Production Coordinator
A especialista em antiguidades, Jennifer Shannon, acha que duas pistas encontradas no local de um assassinato são realmente pistas de um romance de mistério.
Production Coordinator
The beloved POstables discover a 200-year-old valentine that could change history, while their investigation of a damaged letter leads them to a public figure who could be brought down by its contents. And in the aftermath of Valentine’s Day, Oliver, Shane, Norman and Rita are each dealing with heartbreaking circumstances
Production Coordinator
Avery, uma blogueira, estava pronta para desistir do amor quando leva seu cachorro ao veterinário e conhece um veterinário bonitão, Brendan. O que Avery não sabe é que a ex-namorada de Brendan terminou com ele por causa da coluna de conselhos de Avery.
Production Coordinator
Uma comédia romântica sobre uma jovem mulher azarada que cai em um emprego como assistente pessoal de um quarterback afastado devido a uma lesão. Ele nunca teve um assistente do sexo feminino antes e ela não sabe nada sobre futebol americano.
Production Coordinator
Quando sua grande amiga Sandra, se torna a principal suspeita de um assassinato, Jen precisa correr contra o tempo para salvá-la.
Production Coordinator
Jim Henson’s Turkey Hollow follows a family who goes on a hunt for a Bigfoot-like creature called the Howling Hoodoo during a visit to the house of their kooky aunt (played by Last Man on Earth’s Mary Steenburgen). The Howling Hoodoo itself is difficult to find, but they come across some other monsters in the woods that they didn’t even know they were looking for.
Production Coordinator
Quando sua família vai à falência, uma garota da cidade grande viaja para o campo para tentar melhorar uma fazenda de abóboras que seu pai comprou como investimento para recuperar seu dinheiro. Lá ela conhece Brett, o belo administrador da fazenda.
Production Coordinator
Jennifer Shannon has made a career of finding rare garage sale treasures to resell at the consignment store she owns with her business partner, Dani. When she finds a wedding dress that was worn on the day a groom went missing, Jennifer uses her knack for solving puzzles to investigate this unsolved cold case. After meeting the dress’s original owner, Helen, and finding traces of blood on the dress, Jennifer digs deeper into the decades-old mystery with the help of Detective Lynwood, and the support of her husband, Jason. With every clue that Jennifer uncovers, she gets closer to either finding the long-missing groom, or uncovering a wedding day murder.
Production Controller
Jennifer Shannon has made a career of finding rare garage sale treasures to resell at the consignment store she owns with her business partner, Dani. When she finds a wedding dress that was worn on the day a groom went missing, Jennifer uses her knack for solving puzzles to investigate this unsolved cold case. After meeting the dress’s original owner, Helen, and finding traces of blood on the dress, Jennifer digs deeper into the decades-old mystery with the help of Detective Lynwood, and the support of her husband, Jason. With every clue that Jennifer uncovers, she gets closer to either finding the long-missing groom, or uncovering a wedding day murder.
Production Coordinator
Um astro da música country está prestes a se casar com uma atriz também famosa e não vê a hora disso acontecer. Mas as coisas tomam um rumo inesperado quando, ao voltar ao interior para vender a casa em que cresceu, ele acaba se encontrando com uma velha amiga do passado, com quem prometeu se casar na infância.
Production Coordinator
A dona de uma confeitaria encontra um de seus fornecedores assassinado perto de sua loja. Como a polícia da pequena cidade não está preparada para cuidar desse tipo de caso, ela decide investigar por sua conta para resolver o mistério.
Production Coordinator
A sleuthing garage sale maven suspects foul play when her friend dies in an old house with a cursed reputation. Even though police evidence - and even webcam footage of the death – point to natural causes – this mysterious death in a cursed” home poised for multi-million dollar sale seems too coincidental. Putting her keen instincts to work, she examines a few key suspects. As she digs into this deadly mystery, she uncovers clues that bring her closer to the truth, and even put her own life in danger.
Production Coordinator
A young caterer’s life suddenly changes course when she inherits a country home and learns she must share it with a career obsessed Wall Street trader. At first, these opposites do not attract, but feelings begin to change when they find themselves having to work side-by-side to restore their newly acquired home.
Production Coordinator
The story of a young businesswoman who tries to convince her uptight parents to accept her current boyfriend and instead finds herself falling for an old high school flame.
Production Coordinator
A journalist must make a decision to flee with her two children from her abusive ex-husband or kill him before he kills her.
Production Coordinator
When her friend Martin turns up murdered just hours after auctioning off an abandoned storage unit full of unique items to Jennifer, she is immediately pulled on the case as a key eyewitness. Working with Detective Lynwood, Jennifer helps single out a disgruntled customer as the prime suspect, while she and her business partner, Danielle, sift through boxes from the auction.
Production Coordinator
O serial killer, Keith Jesperson, assassinou pelo menos oito mulheres durante um período de cinco anos, enquanto provocava as autoridades com recados inquietantes e confissões rabiscadas, assinadas com uma cara feliz.
Production Coordinator
Oliver é o líder de um departamento do correio americano que investiga o destino de cartas perdidas. Dedicado e competente, ele tem sua rotina alterada com a chegada de Shane, uma irreverente funcionária que é transferida por engano para a equipe. Juntos, os dois vão investigar uma misteriosa carta de amor, que pode ser a chave para provar a inocência de um homem e garantir o final feliz de um casal apaixonado.
Production Coordinator
Jennifer Shannon can always find a diamond in the rough, when it comes to garage sales, that is. Whether it's a new antique to sell at her consignment shop, an Atari game for her son or a piece of furniture for her handy husband Jason to refurbish, she has made a career out of her treasure hunting prowess. When a string of burglaries hits her town, Jennifer's keen eye for detail and her natural problem solving instincts even help her see the connection between these burglaries and local garage sales! Jennifer works with Detective Adam Iverson to investigate her theory that the perpetrators of the burglaries are fellow garage sale regulars. The case escalates to dangerous levels when Jennifer discovers the dead body of her friend. Even though the deceased's husband, Ben Douglas, finds nothing missing in their house, and the police label the death as accidental, Jennifer suspects that the death may be related to the burglaries.
Associate Producer
Jennifer Shannon can always find a diamond in the rough, when it comes to garage sales, that is. Whether it's a new antique to sell at her consignment shop, an Atari game for her son or a piece of furniture for her handy husband Jason to refurbish, she has made a career out of her treasure hunting prowess. When a string of burglaries hits her town, Jennifer's keen eye for detail and her natural problem solving instincts even help her see the connection between these burglaries and local garage sales! Jennifer works with Detective Adam Iverson to investigate her theory that the perpetrators of the burglaries are fellow garage sale regulars. The case escalates to dangerous levels when Jennifer discovers the dead body of her friend. Even though the deceased's husband, Ben Douglas, finds nothing missing in their house, and the police label the death as accidental, Jennifer suspects that the death may be related to the burglaries.
Production Coordinator
When a woman is wrongly accused of the death of her ex-husband, she sets out to solve the murder mystery and find the real killer before the day of the funeral, when she is to be taken into custody.
Production Coordinator
Quando sua irmã mais nova desaparece, Libba Phillips embarca em uma jornada através do país para encontrá-la.
Production Coordinator
Nessa continuação do famoso filme de natal, a Sra Merkle está agora em Nova York onde, como vendedora de uma loja de departamentos, tenta resgatar o espírito de natal dos habitantes da "Big Apple".
Production Coordinator
Quando ele percebe que está sendo caçado pelo F.B.I e pela Máfia, suas lembranças resolvem voltar. A cada batida, tiro e traição, ele vai se lembrar de outra parte do horror que levou tudo o que ele tinha. Agora o quebra-cabeça está quase completo e um homem está prestes a tomar de volta seu passado, encerrando uma série de futuros.
Assistant Production Coordinator
Evan (Ashton Kutcher) é um jovem que luta para esquecer fatos de sua infância. Para isso, ele decide realizar uma regressão onde volta também fisicamente ao seu corpo de criança, tendo condições de alterar seu próprio passado. Porém, ao tentar consertar seus antigos problemas, ele acaba criando novos, já que toda mudança que realiza gera consequências em seu futuro.