VFX Artist
Anos antes de se tornar o tirânico presidente de Panem, Coriolanus Snow aos 18 anos vê uma chance de mudança de sorte quando é escolhido para ser mentor de Lucy Gray Baird, a garota tributo do empobrecido Distrito 12.
Visual Effects
Chronicling one story of courage born out of the highly mediatized and controversial Prop 8 2008 election results in California. A Californian married gay couple and their two adopted children fight back against discrimination, ignorance and hate through home videos posted on their YouTube channel, Gay Family Values. As they pursue their American Dream, the opposing political, social and religious opinions that pervade society attempt to strip it from them.
Visual Effects Supervisor
To the outer world CHRIS KARAS is a shy, handsome, "A" student, the son of a hard-working Greek contractor. But to his closest confidants he is none other than the celebrated Prince of Pranksters, a secret society dedicated to combating the inequities of high school through masterful acts of subterfuge.
Creature Design
Em uma pequena e conservadora cidade da Nova Inglaterra, Alexandra Medford (Cher), Jane Spofford (Susan Sarandon) e Sukie Ridgemont (Michelle Pfeiffer), entediadas com a vida que levam, se reúnem todas as quintas-feiras para tomarem drinques e conversarem sobre vários assuntos. O principal deles é um homem ideal e, sem querer, invocam Daryl Van Horne (Jack Nicholson), um ricaço misterioso e carismático que se muda para a localidade e se envolve com as três, satisfazendo os desejos delas, mas criando uma guerra dos sexos com consequências inesperadas.