Tatyana Dolmatovskaya

Tatyana Dolmatovskaya


Tatyana Dolmatovskaya


Ice 3
Costume Designer
Nadya grew up and became a figure skater. She dreams of the Ice Cup, just like her mother once dreamed of. Gorin objects to his daughter’s sports career - he protects her from any difficulties and one can understand him: he has lost too much. At a secret training session, Nadya meets a young and daring hockey player from Moscow, and first love breaks out between them. The father does not believe in the sincerity of the young man’s feelings and separates the couple. But obstacles only strengthen true love, and when you love, the most fabulous ending can become a reality.
Guest from the Future
Costume Design
Kolya and Alice live in different worlds. Kolya lives in modern-day Moscow, while Alice lives 100 years in the future. Kolya likes playing video games, writing rap songs and hanging out with his friends. He doesn’t think about the future at all. Alice knows everything about alien animal life, martial arts, and the history of the galaxy. The past holds a painful memory for Alice - her mother was killed in a battle between earthlings and space pirates. The defeated forces of evil will one day return, and worlds will collide. Kolya and Alice will meet, and their meeting will shape the future of our universe.
Tchaikovsky’s Wife
Antonina Miliukova is a beautiful and bright young woman, born in the aristocracy of 19th century Russia. She could have anything she'd want, and yet her only obsession is to marry Pyotr Tchaikovsky, with whom she falls in love from the very moment she hears his music. The composer finally accepts this union, but after blaming her for his misfortunes and breakdowns, his attempts to get rid of his wife are brutal. Consumed by her feelings for him, Antonina decides to endure and do whatever it takes to stay with him. Humiliated, disgraced and discarded, she is slowly driven to madness.
Le Moine Noir
Costume Design
Andrey Kovrin, overworked intellectual who dreams of liberty and glory, decides to retire to the country house of his old friend Pesotsky and his daughter Tanya to get some rest. As he sits in the garden, he sees the ghost of a monk, who will haunt his stay and eventually drive him mad.
A Febre de Petrov
Costume Design
Com a cidade sofrendo de uma epidemia de gripe, Petrov e sua família lutam por mais um dia em um país onde o passado nunca é passado e o presente é um sonho impetuoso de violência e ternura movido a álcool. Gripado e febril, Petrov é arrastado por seu amigo Igor em uma longa caminhada, em que realidade e fantasia se misturam, nessa narrativa delirante e lacônica pela Rússia pós-soviética. Baseado no romance Petrovs in and Around the Flu, de Alexey Salnikov.
Costume Design
The unknown actor Lesha works as animator and doesn’t see a chance of success. Lesha doesn’t understand how he is worse than a well-known actor of numerous sensational movies. In complete despair, he notices a girl on the roof of a house and rescues her from jumping, without suspecting that this will later present him with a chance of finding a way into big cinema.
Elsa's Land
Costume Design
Two people meet and fall in love. According to all around them, their love is improper and inconvenient, as our heroes are past 70. Elsa is recently widowed and should be in mourning, even for the husband she never loved. But Elsa and Leonid not only do not hide their love, they’re also going to get married and go travelling to find their own land — Elsa’s Land. Their love story sounds particularly up-to-date as it refers to the elder audience who took the biggest hit of the global pandemic. It encourages them to live and love no matter what.
Attraction 2: A Invasão
Costume Design
Um objeto voador não identificado que vem do espaço muda a visão da humanidade sobre a vida em outros planetas. Quando os alienígenas desembarcam na terra, a destruição é documentada pelos moradores de um bairro residencial de Moscou, que precisam sobreviver enquanto começam a questionar as motivações dos alienígenas.
Costume Design
Vasya - an adventurer and a fraudster - gets to the hospital. His roommate Gena dies, and Vasya becomes the only person who knows about the meeting of Gena with his son, whom he never saw. Vasya decides on his biggest scam - he goes to a meeting and impersonates Gena. How far is Vasya ready to go this time?
Cartas Para Quem Ficou
Costume Design
Duas garotas, que eram apaixonadas pelo mesmo rapaz, começam a receber mensagens de texto no celular, e outras mensagens misteriosas após sua morte. Porém, ele era a única pessoa quem poderia enviar essas mensagens. Isso faz com que as duas rivais, se juntem e viagem para o sul do país, em busca de respostas.
Costume Design
Na década de 80, o rock underground chegava na União Soviética. Sob a influência de artistas internacionais, como Led Zeppelin e David Bowie, o rock vibrava na cidade de Leningrado, marcando o nascimento de uma nova geração de artistas independentes. Embalado por clássicos, o jovem Viktor Tsoi ganha fama internacional e torna-se o primeiro grande representante russo do gênero. Além da música, ele fica conhecido pelas polêmicas envolvendo seu mentor musical, Mike.
Costume Design
Costume Design
He was his absolute copy – his gestures, body language and jokes were so real, no one suspected the change. Bogdanov looked at the screen as if it was mirror. the double has taken over his tV-show, held meetings with his fans, lived with his women and had drinks with his friends. Bogdanov’s life and identity were erased in an instant. Popular, successful and cynical writer Bogdanov lost everything he has been working on for years building his career. As he clearly sees that the double is better and sincerer than he, he realizes the battle of his life is lost. the only one who wants to have real Bogdanov back is his daughter...
O Quebra Gelo
Costume Design
Ao tentar um resgate no Oceano Antártico, um quebragelo russo colide com um iceberg gigantesco. O navio fica encalhado nos gelos da Antártica e seu capitão precisa controlar seus homens.
O Estudante
Costume Design
A vida de um antigo agente sofre uma reviravolta quando é forçado e usado pela CIA, num elaborado plano para tentar assassinar o presidente dos Estados Unidos da América.
Welcome Home
Costume Design
New York-set comedy about a group of immigrants who have become hostage to their life choices.
Welcome Home
Production Design
New York-set comedy about a group of immigrants who have become hostage to their life choices.
Yes & Yes
Sasha is a young girl living in a block flat with her family in Moscow. Once she falls in love with Antonin, a bohemian artist and hard drinker. Their short love affair is pulling her down, to the bottom of her subconscious. Overwhelmed with beautiful and frightening visions, she starts to paint - violently, until she can stand on her feet.
Yes & Yes
Costume Design
Sasha is a young girl living in a block flat with her family in Moscow. Once she falls in love with Antonin, a bohemian artist and hard drinker. Their short love affair is pulling her down, to the bottom of her subconscious. Overwhelmed with beautiful and frightening visions, she starts to paint - violently, until she can stand on her feet.
Melody of Love
Production Design
Moscow, I Love You!
Costume Design
18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...
Costume Design
The story of a family, which falls to the lot of trials, gradually pushing the heroes to divorce. Maintaining love, respect and trust can be an impossible task or a real feat.