Shaun Miller


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A seventeen-year-old boy struggles to understand and embrace his sexuality as he comes of age in the working class suburbs on Melbourne's edge.
Your Love Is Mine
Executive Producer
When a couple's relationship is threatened by sudden tragedy, one of them goes to unthinkable lengths to preserve their union.
Under Cover
Executive Producer
Some 240,000 women over 55 are at risk of homelessness In Australia – a figure both surprising (owing to this demographic being less likely to speak up about their difficulties) and shocking, given this country’s wealth. Under Cover introduces us to 10 of these people, including a survivor of domestic violence, a former advertising executive, a self-confessed loner and a displaced immigrant, for whom security and shelter are constant unknowns and who, until now, have suffered in silence.
AGE OF RAGE - The Australian Punk Revolution
Executive Producer
When the first wave of punk broke Australian shores in the 1970’s it was met with a fierce embrace that still reverberates. Adopted and adapted with fearsome intensity by disenfranchised, pre-globalisation Australian kids against the isolation and cultural vacuity of mainstream Australia, punk was a DIY counterculture - a profound, lived, visceral critique of late 20th century capitalism. Australian punk chose values and agendas that for many have become lifelong.
The Lake of Scars
Executive Producer
In a corner of regional Victoria exists a place of astounding natural beauty, archaeological significance and age-old culture. But the Indigenous scarred trees and artefacts found here are at risk. With the blessing of the local Dja Dja Wurrung People, white horticulturist Paul Haw has made it his mission to care for Lake Boort and its surrounds.
Meu Primeiro Verão
Executive Producer
Claudia, de 16 anos, cresceu isolada do mundo exterior. Presa em uma propriedade remota após a morte de sua mãe, ela fica chocada quando Grace, uma animada adolescente local, aparece no jardim como uma miragem, uma lufada de ar fresco e açucarado. Os dois encontram um no outro o apoio, o amor e a intimidade de que precisam e ensinam um ao outro o poder restaurador da conexão humana. Mas sua paz idílica é frágil, pois o mundo adulto se aproxima e ameaça seu amor secreto de verão
Suzi Q
Executive Producer
Pioneira como líder da banda num gênero infestado de machões, o rock pesado, Suzy Quatro se transformou em um ícone. Com seu rock simples e cheio de atitude, ela apontou o caminho para Joan Jett, Kathleen Hanna entre tantas outras que a reverenciam até hoje.
A Family
Executive Producer
A man living in solitary seeks emotional refuge in the organising and documenting of family moments using low-grade impersonators. When his fake sister becomes inspired to follow his method, their relationship struggles between the forged and genuine.
Mystify: Michael Hutchence
Executive Producer
Michael Hutchence was flying high as the lead singer of the legendary rock band INXS until his untimely death in 1997. Richard Lowenstein’s documentary examines Hutchence’s deeply felt life through his many loves and demons.
The Coming Back Out Ball Movie
Legal Services
In the middle of Australia’s divisive marriage equality vote, Melbourne hosted a gala event to honour and celebrate its LGBTIQ elders. These are their stories.
The Coming Back Out Ball Movie
Executive Producer
In the middle of Australia’s divisive marriage equality vote, Melbourne hosted a gala event to honour and celebrate its LGBTIQ elders. These are their stories.
I Used to Be Normal: A Boyband Fangirl Story
Associate Producer
'I Used to be Normal - A Boyband Fangirl Story' is the surprising coming of age story of four diverse women who have had their lives dramatically changed by their love of a boyband - Backstreet Boys, One Direction, Take That and The Beatles.
I Used to Be Normal: A Boyband Fangirl Story
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'I Used to be Normal - A Boyband Fangirl Story' is the surprising coming of age story of four diverse women who have had their lives dramatically changed by their love of a boyband - Backstreet Boys, One Direction, Take That and The Beatles.
Executive Producer
Celeste is a renowned opera diva who retired early for the man she loved to live on a crumbling and beautiful estate in the heart of a rainforest in Far North Queensland. Ten years after the tragic death of her husband, Mateos, in a boating accident, Celeste is set to return to the stage for her final performance. Her husband’s son Jack, still haunted by the past, arrives amidst the preparations for the performance and finds Celeste is as he remembered – beautiful, intoxicating and dangerous. Celeste wants Jack to stay at the estate, but needs him to perform one last request.
The Eulogy
Executive Producer
Tragic story of child prodigy pianist-composer Geoffrey Tozer, inspired by former Prime Minister Paul Keating’s searing eulogy for the artist.
EMO the Musical
Executive Producer
Ethan, a sullen high-school student whose life is defined by what he hates, finds love with a blindly optimistic Christian girl Trinity, much to the annoyance of his angst-filled band mates and her evangelistic brethren.
Executive Producer
Três salva-vidas saem para um noitada. Ciúmes, homofobia e desejo não correspondido culminam num episódio trágico de abuso movido a álcool.
Executive Producer
Fresh from a Melbourne jail, Dan is reunited with the love of his life, Leanne. A fierce, passionate and tender couple who have learnt to appreciate the simplest pleasures in life, Dan and Leanne celebrate, and when surrounded by friends he announces he has resolved to go straight.
Mary e Max: Uma Amizade Diferente
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Mary Daisy Dinkle é uma menina solitária de oito anos, que vive em Melbourne, na Austrália. Max Jerry Horovitz tem 44 anos e vive em Nova York. Obeso e também solitário, possui Síndrome de Asperger. Um certo dia, Mary encontra o endereço de Max em uma lista de endereços do correio de Nova York. Então resolve lhe escrever uma carta contando um pouco da sua vida. A partir daí, desenvolvem uma forte amizade, mesmo com tamanha distância e a diferença de idade existente entre eles, que transcorre de acordo com os altos e baixos da vida. Baseado em uma história real.
Working It Out
Executive Producer
Peter and Marcus, like any good couple, do everything together, including going to the gym… so where exactly does gym bunny Jeremy fit in? Working it out may not be that easy.
Legal Services
Are eligible Indigenous bachelors an endangered demographic in the 21st century? That’s the question cheekily posed by Tracey Rigney’s debut documentary short, which invites First Nations individuals to confide what they desire, what holds them back, and their hopes and worries about whether they’ll ever find The One. Endangered first screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival in 2005.