Oleg Sokolov

Oleg Sokolov

Nascimento : , Chelyabinsk, USSR (Russia)


Oleg Sokolov


Chasing Trash or My Beloved Husband
Lyrical comedy about a strange woman. The film begins with the heroine's heavy, hungover morning, after a small lonely holiday the day before. The heroine wakes up, with a habitual gesture turns on the old tape recorder with Boyarsky's cassette, dances and tidies up to the music. Suddenly she realizes that she threw something very important and valuable along with the trash. In a panic, she rushes in pursuit of garbage (garbage truck), meeting other heroes along the way. This is a dynamic and fun road movie with intrigue and unusual, lyrical and deep denouement.
kosmonaut I. Cvetkov
Женский взгляд
A sensuous anthology of five short stories directed by young female directors with their own unique vision. Each of the stories in its own way examines different aspects of the life of modern women, plunging into their problems and experiences. The novel "Kindred Spirit" tells about a prostitute's love date with a major, and in "Marjanja" the sisters are looking for ways to come to an understanding. The heroes of the novel "Schrodinger's Paradise" are desperately searching for their Self, and the will of chance comes to their aid. In the "Issue", the main character realizes the falsity of her relationship with her best friend and keenly anticipates the passing of youth, and in the "Observer", the characters meet a real soul mate and find true happiness.
The Good Boy
Contemporary Moscow. Ninth-grader Kolya falls in love with a beautiful young teacher at his high school. The most beautiful girl in the senior class falls in love with him. How will he make his way through this triangle?
Opening night
A philosophical tragicomedy based on the quarrel of a director and a producer while they are sitting at their own movie premiere.
To The Dacha
The newly-weds Lyuba and Andrei have a crisis in their relationship. In order to get a rest and settle their family life, they go to a summer house (dacha). A strange man called Bugay joins the newly-weds at the dacha and makes a pass at Lyuba. In affect, Andrei hits the unbidden visitor with a wooden mallet. The newly-weds tie up the unconscious Bugay. When he comes round, he demands that they untie him and intimidates them to such a degree that they can no longer release him.
Midlife Crisis
A traditional ritual for policemen of one town is the illegal entry into the house of their abuser. The intern, who came to his first practice, must undergo this baptism of fire.
God of Fire
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
The Icon of a Season
This film presents a contemporary view on modern Russian upper-class youth. The film genre is a social drama. The main five characters of the movie are financially secured and socially successful - producing, managing and hosting a popular TV show. They are beautiful, happy and satisfied with their lives. They are good friends to each other and the others. The glass world they surrounded themselves by is full of love and smiles... Until one day something happens to the leading character and suddenly they all face the real world. The glass shatters. Their lives are changed forever. They will never be the same
É a palavra "horda" que significou, para muitos países e nações, ataques sangrentos e estar sob uma humilhante contribuição durante séculos - um mundo estranho e assustador com as suas próprias regras e costumes. Ser ou não ser para os Rus (Rutenos), esse era o preço da missão de um homem só, quando ele estava de partida para o mundo para realizar um feito. O filme conta a história de como São Alexius, o Metropolita de Moscovo e a Maravilha de Toda a Rússia, curou a Rainha Tártara Taidula, mãe de Jani-Beg, da cegueira, em 1357.
Sakura Jam
A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.
Na Rússia do século 16, sob o domínio do caos de Ivan o Terrível que acredita firmemente que ele é investido de uma santa missão. Acreditando que ele pode entender e interpretar os sinais, ele vê o Juízo Final aproximando-se. Ele estabelece o poder absoluto, destruindo cruelmente qualquer um que se interponha no seu caminho. Durante este reinado de terror, Philip, o superior do mosteiro nas Ilhas Solovetsky, um grande estudioso e amigo íntimo de Ivan, ousa se opor à tirania mística do soberano. O que se segue é um choque entre duas visões completamente opostas do mundo, esmagando a moral e a justiça, Deus e os homens. Um filme de grande escala com excelentes papéis de liderança de Mamonov e Yankovsky. Uma alegoria da Rússia Estalinista.
Plus One
After a failed marriage, Masha retreats to the sanctuary of her humble profession as a translator of serious literature. Financial difficulties force her to accept an offer to interpret during a seminar held by an English puppeteer.
The Ark
The film is based on Gennady Shpalikov’s most intimate story, “The Wharf”. Young Katya, who lives in a small provincial town, is dreaming of a prince charming. And, of course, she can’t help falling in love with a stern skipper played by Yevgeny Sidikhin. Wishing to unravel his mystery, Katya goes to Moscow. One night in the capital will change both the skipper’s and the young heroine’s lives, making them to better understand each other…