An 80-year-old widow with extra-sensory perceptions can see the history behind the objects she touches, through which she comments on evolution of culture, concepts of God, religion, relationships, humans and their sexuality, etc.
Director of Photography
The story of the film was adapted from a play of the same name written by well-known writer Girish Karnad. The movie was directed by award winning director T.S. Nagabharana, who is deemed to be one of the ace directors in Kannada film industry. Music was scored by C. Aswath and Srihari L. Khoday produced the movie. The film touches one of the most sensitive issues of marital life. In folk style and form, the film throws open a question as to who is the husband – the person who marries an innocent girl and indulges in self pleasures or the person who gives the real and complete experience of life. G.S.Bhaskar, and his work is a visual thunder in this movie. Especially the night scenes & interior scenes are spellbounded. Bhaskar is a famous technician; he used contrast lighting in this movie, that clearly gave the touch of folk life in every frame.
Second Assistant Camera
África do Sul, início do século XX. Após ser expulso da 1ª classe de um trem, o jovem e idealista advogado indiano inicia um processo de auto-avaliação da condição da Índia, que na época era uma colônia britânica, e seus súditos ao redor do planeta. Já na Índia, através de manifestações enérgicas, mas não-violentas, atraiu para si a atenção do mundo ao se colocar como líder espiritual de hindus e muçulmanos.
Director of Photography
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