Michael Barrett


Gênios do Mal
Sound Recordist
Lynn é uma estudante superdotada que resolve ajudar sua melhor amiga Grace e o filhinho de papai Pat a obterem melhores notas nos exames do colégio. O que começa como simples aulas particulares logo evolui para colas elaboradas, e o serviço prestado passa a ser muito bem remunerado. Certo dia, Lynn vê a oportunidade de ganhar milhões em um esquema para fraudar as respostas do exame STIC, espécie de ENEM internacional que abre as portas de grandes universidades em todo o mundo, a ser realizado em Sydney, na Austrália. Porém ela precisará da ajuda de Bank, seu maior rival nos estudos, que se recusa a cometer fraudes.
Area X
Sound Mixer
Paul's dad unexpectedly picked him up from work today. And then a hooker. After dropping them off at a seedy roadside motel, Paul's father handed him two hundred dollars and told him not to come out until he's a man. These are just a few of the bizarre, sexually charged events that Paul recounts to Marco, a charming and seductive hustler he meets in a dicey bar on a hidden street underneath New York City's infamous Port Authority Bus Terminal, an area officially named but rarely referred to as "Area X". It is here in this dark and shady place that Paul must navigate his way through what he wants, what he needs, and the high cost attached to both.
Area X
Sound Designer
Paul's dad unexpectedly picked him up from work today. And then a hooker. After dropping them off at a seedy roadside motel, Paul's father handed him two hundred dollars and told him not to come out until he's a man. These are just a few of the bizarre, sexually charged events that Paul recounts to Marco, a charming and seductive hustler he meets in a dicey bar on a hidden street underneath New York City's infamous Port Authority Bus Terminal, an area officially named but rarely referred to as "Area X". It is here in this dark and shady place that Paul must navigate his way through what he wants, what he needs, and the high cost attached to both.