Lars Wignell


Sick of Myself
Dialogue Editor
Signe e Thomas estão em uma relação competitiva que toma um rumo cruel quando ele de repente explode como artista contemporâneo. Em resposta, Signe tenta desesperadamente recuperar seu status criando uma nova persona infernalmente empenhada em atrair atenção e simpatia a qualquer preço.
So Damn Easy Going
Sound Mixer
Joanna's brain is like an analogue twitter, also known as ADHD. When her medicine runs out she tries to handle the stress for money, the consequences of an unexpected drug deal and her blustery feelings for Audrey.
Os Inocentes
Sound Editor
Quatro crianças tornam-se amigas durante as férias de Verão. Fora da vista dos adultos, descobrem que têm poderes escondidos. Enquanto exploram as suas habilidades recém-descobertas em florestas e parques das proximidades, a brincadeira inocente sofre uma reviravolta sombria e coisas estranhas começam a suceder.
Ponto Vermelho
Sound Mixer
Com o relacionamento em crise e um bebê a caminho, um casal decide passar uns dias nas montanhas para reacender a paixão, mas acaba na mira de assassinos impiedosos.
You’re Always 20
Sound Mixer
In a film from the early 2000s, Christer finds his 19-year-old self. In the film, which has the dopest sound effects and the title Drugs, he and his best friend play adult versions of themselves. One winter evening everything changes, their visions are shattered and the film becomes a memory of immortal youth and a lost friendship.
As Férias Assustadoras de Nelly Rapp
Sound Mixer
Nelly tem sua maneira especial de ver as coisas. Onde os outros estão assustados, ela permanece imperturbável. Monstros no porão? Mais um motivo para conferir o lugar! Sem amigos? Nelly vai lidar com isso. Bisbilhotando na mansão labiríntica do tio Hannibal, Nelly se depara com um segredo incrível: sua família tem mantido a paz entre humanos, zumbis, vampiros e outras criaturas horríveis por décadas, como membros de uma brigada internacional de agentes monstruosos. Nelly também quer caçar monstros e começa a levantar uma boa quantidade de poeira. Mas e se ela foi enganada sobre quem é realmente responsável pelo medo e pelo medo?
Koko-di Koko-da
Sound Editor
O relacionamento de Elin e Tobias está em crise. Para tentar se reaproximar, eles vão acampar. Mas a viagem vira um pesadelo quando uma trupe de artistas sombrios aparece na floresta e começa a aterrorizá-los e humilhá-los.
The Family Farm
Sound Editor
A daughter moves from the family farm and the countryside as a nineteen year old. Twenty years later her aging parents still live and work on the farm. The daughter/director tells a story about the ambivalence of leaving a place that symbolises both security and stagnation. A film about the choices in life, mortality and the symbiosis between people and places.
Dialogue Editor
An artist has chosen a famous male actor for them together, in the context of a feature film, to deconstruct themselves and their invading roles. They engage in a boundless play with their surroundings in an exploration of identity, male and female.
No More We
Sound Designer
Boyfriends Hampus and Adrian are in a destructive relationship. When Hampus finally works up the nerve to call it quits, he finds himself relieved. Adrian, however, is not quite ready to say goodbye. Examining the final week of a gay love affair, award-winning short film director David Färdmar begins with the end.
The Ex-Wife
Sound Editor
The girlfriend Klara has recently fallen in love and wants nothing more than to hang out with her boyfriend. The mother-of-two Anna clocks how long it takes for her husband to cook baby formula. The ex-wife Vera can't let go of her ex-husband. The feature-film debuting Katja Wik presents a squib right on the money about women's tendency to, both consciously and unconsciously, limit themselves in their close relationships of two. Each frame conveys the film's theme of power manipulation and Katja Wik's neologism "victim-mentality rhetoric" (offerrollsretorik) is used by all parties as an effective weapon. Without stagnating in bitterness, The Ex-wife serves as a funhouse mirror reflecting this disturbing trait, which most of us can recognize, but which few dare to acknowledge
Because the World Never Stops
Sound Mixer
Shot live in the studio during the evening broadcast on Swedish public television, the film shows the news like you've never seen them before.
We Could Be Parents
Sound Editor
Erik's boyfriend Marely left him. Now, the last chance for Erik to get him back is to make this movie to explain, that the only reason he sold sex was so they could afford to become parents one day.
We Could Be Parents
Sound Mixer
Erik's boyfriend Marely left him. Now, the last chance for Erik to get him back is to make this movie to explain, that the only reason he sold sex was so they could afford to become parents one day.
Ten Meter Tower
10 Meter Tower is a short film taking place in a swimming pool with 6 cameras aimed at the tallest diving tower. All focus is on the 43 people between 9 and 78 years old. They have one thing in common, this is the first time in their lives they climb up to the platform to make the decision whether to jump or not. The situation itself highlights a dilemma: to weigh the instinctive fear of taking the step out against the humiliation of having to climb down.
A Last Farewell
Sound Mixer
This short film is both a calm and upsetting portrait of an aging author's sorrow over the death of his long-term partner. Haunted by visions of his late husband, and in conflict with his daughter who is trying to renew the ties between them, he must tackle the impossible task of moving on and finding peace in the wake of a devastating loss.
A Last Farewell
Sound Designer
This short film is both a calm and upsetting portrait of an aging author's sorrow over the death of his long-term partner. Haunted by visions of his late husband, and in conflict with his daughter who is trying to renew the ties between them, he must tackle the impossible task of moving on and finding peace in the wake of a devastating loss.
The Arbiter
Sound Editor
A brilliant but misguided man feels that he has the right to decide who is worth their place on earth.
Eat Sleep Die
Sound Recordist
A young Eastern European immigrant working in Sweden is faced with a painful choice when she's laid off from her factory in the name of "efficiencies."
No Sex Just Understand
Three different types of people end up at the same table at the same bar. Stefan will talk about Thailand. Jeppe will talk about his son. And Mia will write everything down. A film about how different interests crashes, meet and crash again.
Sound Designer
Scattered children and youngsters hang around in a deserted industrial estate where there isn't much to do — apart from longing for love.