Thomas C. Chapman

Nascimento : 1946-11-22, Wyandotte, Michigan, USA

Morte : 2011-09-24


A reporter is killed whilst investigating a story & her college friend and former professor join forces to try and find out who killed her.
Sixteen years after the Drakes' young daughter was kidnapped by her nanny, a woman appears claiming to be the long-lost child.
Os Aniquiladores
Em Atlanta, Georgia, violentas gangues de adolescentes aterrorizam vizinhos em um bairro pobre torturam, violentam e matam sem que a polícia possa fazer qualquer coisa para detê-los. A única esperança dos moradores é apelar para os "Aniquiladores", um grupo de ex-combatentes do Vietnã que ainda não se deu conta de que a guerra acabou, e entra num confronto armado com as gangues para limpar a cidade.
Bus loads of teenagers arrive to the ski resort. Each one is eager to get out on the slopes to ski and score. One problem; the owner has all the prices jacked up, secretly ripping people for the last two years he has been in charge. The police don't do anything because the Sheriff is in on the cover-up. The teens feel their only chance to even the score is at a skiing tournament where the winner is picked to in a raffle to win a bunch of prizes.
Nashville Grab
A dashing, fast-living country singer almost turns Nashville upside-down after he is kidnapped by a pair of conniving female convicts determined to use him as a passport to freedom.
Nashville Grab
A dashing, fast-living country singer almost turns Nashville upside-down after he is kidnapped by a pair of conniving female convicts determined to use him as a passport to freedom.
The Boogens
Otherworldly creatures inhabit the bootleg tunnels underneath a small town mining community, and they kill any of the townsfolk who invade their home.
California Gold Rush
Author Bret Harte relates the story of the discovery of gold in California at Sutter's Mill, and how that discovery changed the history of the west forever.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The escapades of Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, and the runaway slave, Jim, drifting down the Mississippi on a homemade raft, and their encounter with the Duke and his cohort, Dauphin.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
A TV adaptation of Washington Irving's classic ghost story. Humor is the drawing card in this version, with Jeff Goldblum a nerdish Ichabod Crane, Dick Butkus an appropriately nasty Brom Bones, and Meg Foster as spirited Katrina van Tassel. Angered that Katrina has grown fond of schoolmaster Crane, Brom Bones determines to scare off the interloper by filling his head with spooky tales of a Headless Horseman. Crane pooh-poohs the legends, until one fateful ride home in the dark of night.
Hangar 18
Durante uma missão de rotina, um satélite colide com um OVNI, que faz um pouso de emergência no deserto do Arizona. O governo americano age rápido para encobrir o fato, pois a eleição se aproxima e o presidente teme que o pânico se espalhe e prejudique sua reeleição. Enquanto a nave é escondida no Hangar 18, dois astronautas, Bancroff e Price, recebem a culpa pelo incidente, e começam a investigar o caso para trazer a verdade à tona.
Rocky Mountain Christmas
Watched by over 65 million on its premiere, John Denver hosts a musical Holiday special with guests to coincide with his first holiday album release. The show takes place and is filmed in Aspen, CO inside a clear bio-dome.