Stuart Dunne

Stuart Dunne


Stuart Dunne


Cecelia Ahern: Zwischen Himmel und hier
Knocking on Death's Door
In a New England village, two newlywed students of the paranormal enter Hillside House to document the activities of a legion of ghosts. They uncover a murderous history that leads them into the clutches of a mysterious doctor.
Vicious Circle
Criminal Martin Cahill gets in trouble when a major robbery succeeds. He aims for more trouble when he tries to do a large art robbery
The Matchmaker
Head Bang Man
Marcy, a worker in the reelection campaign of bumbling Senator John McGlory, is sent to Ireland on a quest to find the Irish ancestry of Sen. McGlory, to help him win the Irish vote. But when Marcy arrives in the small village of Ballinagra, she finds herself in the middle of a matchmaking festival, and the local matchmaker is determined to pair her off with one of the local bachelors.
A Van
A terceira parte da "'Barrytown Trilogy" do autor irlandês Roddy Doyle, na sequência de "The Commitments" e "The Snapper", retrata as aventuras hilariantes ainda que pungentes de Bimbo. Após ser demitido de seu emprego na padaria, Bimbo e seu melhor amigo resolvem empreender negócio próprio e compram uma "Chipper" (uma van para venda de peixe e batatas fritas). Mas será que as pressões do sucesso financeiro azedará sua amizade para sempre?
A Man of No Importance
Alfie Byrne is a middle-aged bus conductor in Dublin in 1963. He would appear to live a life of quiet desperation: he's gay, but firmly closeted, and his sister is always trying to find him "the right girl". His passion is Oscar Wilde, his hobby is putting on amateur theatre productions in the local church hall. We follow him as he struggles with temptation, friendship, disapproval, and the conservative yet oddly lyrical world of Ireland in the early 1960s.
A Grande Família
Morando na Irlanda, Sharon Curley tem 20 anos e vive com seus pais e muitos irmãos e irmãs. Quando ela fica grávida e se recusa a dizer quem é o pai, ela se torna o assunto da cidade.
Hank the Barman
The growing relationship of two people who travel through Ireland in a series of stolen cars.
The Courier
When a courier at the D-Day Courier Service mistakenly finds a pile of money in his regular delivery, he does some digging only to discover that the messenger company is a front for a drug ring. A reformed drug user himself, he sets out to crack the lethal ring.