Adrien Bletton

Adrien Bletton


Adrien Bletton


La Contemplation du mystère
Éloi, whose father was killed in a hunting accident a year ago, is called to take part in a strange tribute ceremony in the country. There, immersed in a disturbing world of strange mystical codes, he learns that his father was tracking a huge buck with awe-inspiring antlers alongside the “Indian”. After several outstanding short films, Aurtenèche delivers a first feature that obliquely references the legend of Saint Hubert, who encountered the Almighty while hunting a stag. A cryptic thriller, hidden manuscripts, the quest for self-knowledge, psychotropic drugs: La Contemplation du mystère boldly shifts between moods and genres.
On the Mountain
Returning from a party, as the day dawns, two young men cross a rich neighborhood, discussing its architecture with its facades without imperfections and their own desires.
Laurie é uma mulher carismática, que faz de tudo para se tornar famosa. Clara é uma estrela das redes sociais que vive só pelos likes de seus seguidores. Já Elizabeth enfrenta com força todas as dificuldades financeiras e amorosas da vida adulta. Juntas, as três amigas vivem um verão cheio de possibilidades, experimentando de forma caótica os paradoxos da vida de toda jovem moderna.
Caçando Godard em Abbittibbi
JLG (voice)
In 1968, an internationally renowned French film director unexpectedly lands in Abitibi, in the northwest of Quebec, to conduct political and mass-media experiments. This event fuels the revolutionary tendencies of Michel, a local young man, and the desire to travel the world of Marie, his girlfriend.