Alexander Wipprecht


Sarah Kohr - Irrlichter
Malibu - Ein Zelt für drei
Der Spalter
Four neighbors, one boss, and a fateful party. The harmony between the friendly couples Bianca/Oliver and Dila/Simon is put in danger when Oliver's boss Lars invites himself to a barbecue party. With dangerous charm and amusing intrepidity, Lars pushes the situation to such an extent that the two couples begin to question the foundations of their lives and fall into actionism. Until the pressure turns into counter-pressure and Lars himself becomes a target.
The House
Germany 2029: A renowned journalist is banned from writing, leading him and his wife to retreat into their luxurious holiday home. As the political conditions in Germany escalate, the smarthome increasingly transforms from a peaceful refuge into a dangerous adversary…
In Wahrheit: In einem anderen Leben
Chief Inspector Mohn investigates a case of rape. Barbara Falk was apparently drugged by knockout drops and abused in her house. While her male colleagues have doubts, Judith Mohn is convinced that the victim is telling the truth. A suspect has to be released for lack of evidence. Only five years later does it become clear that this was the right lead.
Katie Fforde - Für immer Mama
Marc Bloom
Nada de Mau Pode Acontecer
Prediger am Kreuz
O jovem Tore busca em Hamburgo uma nova vida entre um grupo religioso chamado The Jesus Freaks. Quando ele encontra por acaso uma família e é ajudado por ela a reparar seu carro, acredita que tudo aconteceu por um milagre celestial. Ele começa uma amizade com o pai da família, Benno. Logo, decide morar com eles, sem saber que a crueldade virá de lá. Fiel à sua crença religiosa, Tore permanece na casa, embora seja frequentemente atacado por Benno, numa violência crescente. Tore precisa lutar contra o tormento com as suas próprias armas. Assim, uma luta perigosa entre as ações libidinosas e o altruísmo começa.
Emilien und die Stille des Badezimmers
Domino Effekt
Ein Wimpernschlag