Robert Cawsey


Holmes e Watson
Sherlock Holmes (Will Ferrell) e seu fiel parceiro Watson (John C.Reilly) precisam impedir o maior dos planos malignos de Moriarty (Ralph Fiennes): assassinar a rainha da Inglaterra.
Carnage: Swallowing the Past
Confused Man
It's 2067, the UK is vegan, but older generations are suffering the guilt of their carnivorous past. Simon Amstell asks us to forgive them for the horrors of what they swallowed.
Dreams of a Life
A filmmaker sets out to discover the life of Joyce Vincent, who died in her bedsit in North London in 2003. Her body wasn't discovered for three years, and newspaper reports offered few details of her life - not even a photograph.
George's Friend
An entire relationship told through photos in five minutes.
Garoto Nota 10
University Challenge Competitor
Inglaterra de Tatcher, 1985. Brian Jackson (James McAvoy), desde sempre obcecado em adquirir mais e mais conhecimento, passou a infância assistindo o “Desafio Universitário” na televisão. Agora aluno da Universidade de Bristol, ele encara a oportunidade de participar realmente do show e mostrar tudo que sabe. Mas nem só de estudos vive o homem e Brian sonha também com Alice (Alice Eve).