Naveen Medaram


London Life
Movie about the the hardship faced by South Asian students arriving in the UK.
London Life
Movie about the the hardship faced by South Asian students arriving in the UK.
Nice 2 Meet U
A romantic drama set in London. It addresses the issues that arise from an interracial relationship, and tries to find a steady balance between East and West. At its heart it is a feel-good film, which attempts to capture the excitement of falling in love for the first time. When a beautiful Scottish girl falls for an introverted geeky young man from India, she will have to address the issues that arise from their interracial relationship and prove that their love can overcome it all.
Nice 2 Meet U
A romantic drama set in London. It addresses the issues that arise from an interracial relationship, and tries to find a steady balance between East and West. At its heart it is a feel-good film, which attempts to capture the excitement of falling in love for the first time. When a beautiful Scottish girl falls for an introverted geeky young man from India, she will have to address the issues that arise from their interracial relationship and prove that their love can overcome it all.
Nice 2 Meet U
A romantic drama set in London. It addresses the issues that arise from an interracial relationship, and tries to find a steady balance between East and West. At its heart it is a feel-good film, which attempts to capture the excitement of falling in love for the first time. When a beautiful Scottish girl falls for an introverted geeky young man from India, she will have to address the issues that arise from their interracial relationship and prove that their love can overcome it all.
Sunshine: Alerta Solar
Rotoscoping Artist
Em um futuro não muito distante, a morte do sol anuncia o fim da humanidade. Em um último esforço para salvar o planeta, uma tripulação de oito pessoas vai ao espaço com um dispositivo que poderia reviver o sol. No entanto, um acidente, um erro grave e uma nave espacial perdida há muito tempo coloca a tripulação e sua missão em perigo.