Andrew Westfield

Andrew Westfield


Andrew Westfield is a British actor who trained at the Birmingham School of Speech and Drama. On Coronation Street he played the role of PC Fletcher intermittently between April 2008 and May 2020.


Andrew Westfield


RSC Live: Henry V
Earl of Westmoreland / Macmorris
Henry IV is dead and Hal is King. With England in a state of unrest, he must leave his rebellious youth behind, striving to gain the respect of his nobility and people. Laying claim to parts of France and following an insult from the French Dauphin, Henry gathers his troops and prepares for a war that he hopes will unite his country. Gregory Doran continues his exploration of Shakespeare's History Plays with Henry V performed in the 600th anniversary year of the Battle of Agincourt. Following his performance as Hal in Henry IV Parts I & II Alex Hassell returns as Henry V.
RSC Live: Henry IV Part 2
King Henry's health is failing as a second rebellion against his reign threatens to surface. Intent on securing his legacy, he is uncertain that his son Hal is a worthy heir, believing him more concerned with earthly pleasures than the responsibility of rule. Sir John Falstaff is sent to the country side to recruit fresh troops. Amongst the unwitting locals opportunities for embezzlement and profiteering prove impossible to resist - as the king's health continues to worsen, Hal must choose between duty, and loyalty to an old friend.
A Última Legião
Todo mundo conhece a lenda de Rei Arthur, mas ninguém sabe como tudo começou. Numa batalha devastadora, o antigo Império Romano é destruído por rebeldes e o único sobrevivente da dinastia de César é o pequeno Romulus, um garoto de 12 anos, que é capturado e exilado num verdadeira fortaleza. Lá, guiado pelo mago Ambrosinus, ele encontra uma misteriosa espada, que segundo a lenda dará força e poder à pessoa que empunhá-la. Agora ele poderá retomar seu Império e, com a ajuda da Última Legião, reconquistar a tão sonhada liberdade de seu povo.