Maren Smith


Too Many Ethnics
The epic quest of three best friends surviving trials of racism, love and friendship in the long line to get into an exclusive nightclub.
Hook Up
Shy Lucy is keen to please her enigmatic best-friend Alice, but when a double Tinder date with two older men turns ugly, she must fight to protect Alice and in the process recognises deeper feelings she has for her.
A young Filipino boy in Western Sydney gets an enchanting crash-course in his homeland culture when his uncle reveals himself to be a cross-dresser in the ‘Bakla’ tradition.
O Cerco de Mumbai - 4 Dias de Terror
Baseado em fatos reais. Em 26 de novembro de 2008, 10 membros da Lashkar-e-Taiba, uma célula terrorista islâmica baseada no Paquistão, realizou uma série de bombardeios e disparos coordenados em Mumbai, na Índia. Seu alvo principal era o icônico hotel Taj Mahal Palace. Os eventos angustiantes que se seguiram ficaram conhecidos como o 11 de setembro da Índia e um dos ataques terroristas mais audaciosos da história. Por 96 horas, os hóspedes lutaram para sobreviver enquanto os terroristas tentavam expulsá-los de seu esconderijo.
A young man in suburbia develops a fascination with his neighbour. As he watches from his bedroom, a shared secret from their past slowly reconnects the two.
A woman attempts a prayer circle to rid a household of a witch’s dark curse, but an encounter with evil will forever leave its mark on her.