David Donaldson


Chrissy Judy
Executive Producer
When his best friend and creative partner suddenly couples off and moves away, an ambitious New York drag queen determined for the limelight must reinvent himself or risk becoming an irrelevant solo act both onstage and off.
Loucuras de um Gênio
Coordinating Producer
Daniel Johnston é um artista lo-fi, maníaco-depressivo, cantor e compositor cult cujo trabalho tem inspirado legiões de fãs e músicos ao longo de sua carreira. Este filme revela sua loucura e gênio criativo através de filmagens de arquivo acompanhadas pela suas músicas e desenhos.
Gun Fight
Action Western directed by Edward L. Cahn . After courageously protecting a pretty dance hall girl (Joan Staley) from peril, former cavalry soldier Wayne (James Brown) refuses to join his brother Brad's (Gregg Palmer) unlawful cattle rustling gang, which leads to heated disagreements, bitter betrayals and life-threatening danger.