John Young


John Young


Every Picture Tells a Story
James Scott's biopic of his father William Scott, his childhood and his origins as a painter.
Os Bandidos do Tempo
Seis anões, perseguidos por um certo Ser Supremo, escoltam um adolescente inglês através do tempo. Usando um mapa, eles viajam no tempo ao mesmo tempo em que fogem dos perigos. Ótimo roteiro, repleto de idéias originais e engraçadas, com direção brilhante de Terry Gilliam e o humor típico do grupo Monty Python.
Carruagens de Fogo
Rev. J.D. Liddell
Na Inglaterra dos anos 1920, dois rapazes treinam para disputar as provas de atletismo das Olimpíadas de 1924. Harold é um estudante judeu e Eric filho de um missionário escocês e ambos lutam por razões diferentes pelo título de homem mais veloz do mundo. Oscar de melhor filme, roteiro, música e figurino.
Black Angel
Old Man
A knight returns home from the Crusades to find his village devastated by disease and his family gone. He roams the forest searching for them, until he finds a mysterious maiden who is being held prisoner by a black knight. In order to free her, he must confront her captor.
Black Jack
Dr Hunter
In this fascinating adventure of the England of the 1750s, the huge Frenchman Black Jack (Jean Franval) miraculously survives a hanging by the British authorities in Yorkshire and escapes from the grim jaws of "justice." He takes to the countryside in the company of Tolly, a teenaged boy who is able to translate Black Jack's odd speech into something comprehensible. They join up with Belle, an aristocratic teenager who has escaped from the madhouse her family imprisoned her in when she grew troublesome. Together, the three join a carnival. However, as it becomes clear that the girl is far from crazy, love between Tolly and Belle grows. This story, set in the mid-18th century, is based on a novel by Leon Garfield.
A Vida de Brian
Matthias, Son of Deuteronomy of Gath
A produção é uma sátira aos filmes bíblicos e à intolerância religiosa. Na Palestina do ano 1 d.C., três reis magos trazem presentes à mãe de Brian, confundindo-o com Jesus que nasceu no mesmo dia, na manjedoura ao lado. Brian, depois de crescido, engaja-se em um dos muitos grupos revolucionários que se opõem ao domínio romano. Após tentar seqüestrar a mulher de Pôncio Pilatos com seu grupo, ele é visto como Messias pela uma multidão, ávida por lideranças religiosas.
My Way Home
Shop assistant
Jamie leaves the children's home to live with his paternal grandmother. After working in a mine and in a tailor's shop, he is conscripted into the RAF, and goes to Egypt, where he is befriended by Robert, whose undemanding companionship releases Jamie from self-pity.
Moonshine County Express
Starkey's Man
The three surviving daughters of a murdered moonshiner band together with a racecar driver to run high-test shine behind the corpulent backs of the local likker syndicate.
Monty Python e o Cálice Sagrado
Dead Body / Historian Frank
Os Monty Python estão de volta - desta vez à procura do Cálice Sagrado, por terras do reinado de Camelot. Pelo caminho, encontram o estranho Cavaleiro Negro, insultam vários franceses e tropeçam em Cavaleiros que dizem Ni!
The Bevellers
Leslie Skinner
The Bevellers by Roddy McMillan was a BBC Scotland Television Drama play following an apprentice working in a glassmaking workshop in Glasgow and his relationship with the other workers. The actor Roddy McMillan wrote The Bevellers as a play for the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh in 1973. It was based on his experiences as an apprentice beveller in a glass mirror works.
O Homem de Palha
O policial Neil Howie chega à ilha de Summerisle, na costa escocesa, com a missão de investigar o desaparecimento de uma jovem. Os habitantes da ilha, no entanto, não parecem dispostos a colaborar. Todos, inclusive a mãe da menina, negam que ela exista ou que tenham ligado para a polícia e relatado o crime. Quanto mais Howie procura, mais se confunde. Para piorar, revela-se diante dele uma comunidade pagã cheia de amor livre e folclores celtas, que vai contra tudo aquilo em que o religioso e conservador policial acredita.
The Massacre of Glencoe
Colonel Hill
The true story of the events leading up to the infamous massacre of the Macdonalds by the Campbells in February of 1692.
A Lontra Travessa
Stuck in a dead-end job, Graham Merrill adopts an otter, Mij, as a pet and then moves to an isolated village in western Scotland. Together they set out to explore the curious and magnificent natural wonders that surround their seaside home. Soon, Graham finds himself falling in love with the beautiful town doctor, Mary. Before long, the three become inseparable friends.
A Christmas Carol
Peter Cratchit
On Christmas Eve, an old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the spirit of his former partner, Jacob Marley. The deceased partner was in his lifetime as mean and miserly as Scrooge is now and he warns him to change his ways or face the consequences in the afterlife.