Sarpy Marqueza


As Rainhas da Pornografia
Quatro atores em filmagem perdem-se da equipe. Estão num barco no meio de uma represa. Aportam num ponto estranho, onde encontram uma tribo de semi-selvagens e regredidos no tempo. São aprisionados e tomam conhecimento da existência de um cientista que fazia ali experiências com cobaias humanas, transplantes de cérebros, cruzamentos de humanos com animais, etc. Pan, meio homem e meio cabrito, figura da mitologia grega, é o chefe do bando, que hipnotiza a todos com o toque de sua flauta. Apodera-se das mulheres e prende os homens, fazendo com que as mulheres da tribo briguem por eles.
Tudo Dentro
Rui decides to value his motel and for that he creates a formula in which he believes to offer surprises to his customers, surprises that are presented at the motel's reception. He invites a receptionist to help him, who becomes very fond of him. René, with a telescope, accompanied by the receptionist, manages an inflatable dinghy on the lake that borders the motel and looks through it and through mirrors properly placed in the chalet's stained-glass windows at the various situations that unfold from the surprises offered to customers.
Sexo Animal
Jonas, an unusual man hired by a large real estate firm to be the caretaker of a luxury residence on the outskirts of the big city. In this same residence, used by the real estate owner to promote parties, where he defends immorality in its highest degree of depravity, Jonas meets Tania, a luxury prostitute.