Los restos del ejército republicano cruzan la frontera francesa. Entre los exiliados Lluis Companys, presidente de la Generalitat catalana y Aguirre, presidente de Euskadi. Con la invasión de Francia por las tropas alemanas, termina violentamente el exilio de Companys. La Gestapo lo entrega, no respetando su carácter de refugiado político al gobierno de Franco. Conducido por el Conde de Mayalde es trasladado a Madrid y posteriormente a Barcelona. De las torturas políticas se pasa al ¿simulacro? de juicio y el Presidente es condenado a muerte. Con el fusilamiento, motivado por el odio y no por razones de seguridad, se trataba de cerrar un proceso de democratización y libertad que había adquirido sus expresiones más clarividentes en Cataluña.
Mr Antonio is undergoing a bad economic situation that shares with his daugther Leonor, a lovely teenager who makes him happy and helps him sewing to make end meet. But its not enough and Mr Antonio has no other choice than working as a thug of a night club. A job that brings unexpected changes tto his life.
Dr. Valcárcel
John, manager of a company, play a game of cards with a group of people he has met in a nightclub. Realizing that one of them cheats, fights with him, and there is a violent fall. Another attendee, a doctor certifies his death. To remove the dead, John is forced to commit embezzlement in your company ...
After the death of Queen Mercedes, Alfonso XII's first wife, the problem of the succession is raised. The monarchy needs a heir and the King choses María Cristina from Habsburd to be the futur spanish queen. But Mercedes memories will be against the marriage and the long-awaited son will born when Alfonso is already dead.