Aurélien Py

Aurélien Py


Aurélien Py


Fire at the Lake
Director of Photography
A high mountain hamlet, early summer. Félix comes down from the pastures where he’s guarding his cows and finds his old mother lying lifeless on her bed. Shaken, he runs off. He drives a few miles in the valley to the house of a young man who just contacted him on a dating app.
So That Nothing Changes
Director of Photography
After a long absence, Marie decides to return to the family home to introduce the partner with whom she is expecting a child.
Girl of the Wind
Director of Photography
In a city surrounded by mountains, Mona feels bad, not knowing how to deal with all the rumors going around about her. On a whim, she goes off into the mountains. While she is lost in the middle of nature, she comes across a herd of sheep that lead her to Martin, a lonely shepherd.
Director of Photography
Algiers, 1994, in the middle of the civil war. Yasmine, a housekeeper, must take leave to visit her aunt. But on this particular day, Madame, her boss, loses her beloved dog, Touiza. Unable to be left alone, Madame is determined to prevent Yasmine from leaving her.
Facing the Wind
Director of Photography
Com o vento conta a história de Monica e sua reconciliação com uma vida que deixou para trás. Monica, uma dançarina de 47 anos, recebe um telefonema da Espanha: seu pai está muito doente. Depois de 20 anos, ele deve retornar à cidade remota de Burgos, onde ele nasceu. Quando ele chega, seu pai morreu. Sua mãe, com quem ele nunca teve um relacionamento fluente, pede-lhe para ajudar a vender a casa da família. O inverno está chegando. O silêncio perpétuo, o frio extremo e a face de uma família disfuncional serão testes difíceis para Monica, que se refugiarão no que ela sabe melhor: dançar.
Something Is Happening
Director of Photography
Avignon. Irma, who doesn’t seem to find her place in the world crosses paths with Dolores, a free and uninhibited woman who is in a mission to write a gay-friendly travel guide on a forgotten area in Provence. The unlikely duo takes to the road and contrary to the saught after pittoresque and sexy Provence, they discover a world more complex and a warm-hearted humanity, struggling to exist. For both of them the trip becomes a initiatory journey.
First Assistant Camera
Miriam e Antoine Besson se divorciaram, e Miriam está procurando a custódia exclusiva de seu filho Julien, para protegê-lo de um pai que ela afirma ser violento. Antoine defende seu caso como um pai desprezado e a juíza decide a favor da custódia compartilhada. Refém do crescente conflito entre seus pais, Julien é levado ao limite para evitar que o pior aconteça.
1, 2, 3, Whiteout
Assistant Director
In a future present, a rebellious Veronique finds herself working for an inventor who has dedicated himself to the cause of a positive darkness; he is working to counter the tide of a bright, diffuse, and technologically oriented time as represented in the film by man-made light. Veronique's brother Alix works for an agency that is attempting to thwart the process.