Ronald Peet

Ronald Peet


Ronald Peet
Ronald Peet


Apple Customer Service Rep
An aspiring toy designer’s work visa runs out, and a job assisting an erratic art-world outcast becomes his only hope to stay in the country and realize his dream.
Remembering His Touch
A grieving lover searches for answers beyond the beaches of New York, two betrayed strangers find comfort in their shared pain, and a teenage friendship stirs up hidden feelings, pushing the boundaries of their relationship. Discover 5 stories that question the fate of lost love and the longing for answers. When you fight to hold on to the past, is it ever truly worth it?
Gus, Will, and Brian have been fast friends since middle school. Now in their mid-twenties, Gus is the only one to have left their hometown for New York City, immersing himself in the queer community and finally coming into his own. He returns home for a weekend camping with “the boys” on Catalina Island, and must find new common ground now that he has changed, while discovering how his friends have changed too.
The Land of Owls
In the isolation of the Catskill Mountains, a relationship retreat pushes two Brooklyn couples through a weekend of exercises that force them out of their calcified comfort zones. Removed from the routine distractions of city life and engaging in honest communication for the first time, they have the chance to rebuild their partnerships - or leave them behind.
Tower of Silence
When the great sorceress Kae is captured by a mysterious enemy, her young followers devise a plan to rescue her.
A Mudança Está no Ar
Nesse delicado drama, Wren é uma jovem que se muda para uma pequena cidade onde, pouco a pouco, traz nova vida e mudança à vizinhança. Ao mesmo tempo, seus modos misteriosos e as cartas que recebe todos os dias despertam a curiosidade dos vizinhos.
Fé Corrompida
Choir Member
O ex-militar capelão Toller sofre pela perda do filho que ele encorajou a se alistar nas forças armadas. Um outro desafio começa quando ele faz amizade com a jovem paroquiana Mary e seu marido, que é um ambientalista radical. Toller logo descobre segredos escondidos de sua igreja com relação a empresas inescrupulosas.
A dissection of hybrid identity in ten chapters through the life of a chimeric evolving creature 'Mosaic' and confessions by the most influentials scientists of our time.
Os Meyerowitz: Família Não Se Escolhe (Histórias Novas e Selecionadas)
Mágoas e rivalidades marcam o reencontro de três irmãos que se reúnem em Nova York para homenagear o pai, um escultor sem sucesso e pra lá de marrento.
Testosterone: Volume One
The first volume in a collection of gay shorts from the four corners of the world that will set your pulse racing. From the intense effects of first love, to a deliciously campy tale of a camping trip gone horribly wrong. This collection includes: The End of My World [Mój koniec świata] (2017), The Surf Report (2016), It Gets Better? (2016), and Killer Friends (2017).
The Surf Report
A ghostly love story unfolds as two men look for answers where ocean meets sky and city meets wild in Rockaway Beach, NY.