Oskar Liigand

Oskar Liigand


Oskar Liigand


Film about conflict between young and old generations. In this animated film with live actors the protagonist is a girl, who is brought up by her grandfather. He lives in a strictly regulated world where animate as well as inanimate creatures have fixed places, which are marked by chalk on the living-room floor. Anything surpassing those borders is mercilessly scarped out of the film strip. The young girl, in whom the primal forces of nature are awakening, learns from her grandfather’s fading sexuality. She starts to scrape the filmstrip as well, to change the world according to her own will. What will she draw instead of her past childhood?
Tear of the Prince of Darkness
Servant Paavo
Tallinn, Estonia, days before outbreak of World War II. Hotel detective and Polish writer team up to find Tear of the Prince of Darkness, a legendary ring which can bring Satan’s rule over the world.
Lamb in the Down Right Corner
Man at the Tare Point
A warm movie about two boys, who discover a secret of a painting that was considered to be lost. The adventures begin, when a boss of a bunch of criminals finds out about the painting.
Regina is a beautiful, educated and independent woman whose boyfriend tells her that he is going to marry a young girl expecting a baby. As Regina inherits a house in a little town, an opportunity arises to change her life.
Doctor Stockmann
Комический любовник, или Любовные затеи сэра Джона Фальстафа
The Adventurer
This inventive, tongue-in-cheek comedy-drama not only reveals the charms of the Estonian countryside, but something of director (Kaljo Kiisk)'s sense of amusement as well. The hero of the title, Toomas Nipernaadi (Tõnu Kark) is first seen roaming the rural landscape, going from village to village looking for the woman of his dreams. He wears a bedraggled white suit but generously pays for any lodging he needs or in one case, even buys a farm. Nipernaadi has a way with words and enchants those he meets with his wild stories about himself. Women find him appealing and the men are entertained as he moves from one locale to the next.
The Master of Kõrboja
Villu's Father
A farmer, recently released from prison, throws all his energy into improving his property so he can marry his beloved. But he's crippled in an accident and, anguished at the thought that he will no longer be man enough for her, decides to kill himself.
Ask the Dead About the Price of Death
Prison Officer
The attempted coup of Estonia on Dec. 1, 1924, conducted by Comintern, staged by the Soviet Communists, failed and resulted in many lost lives on both sides. The Communists were forced underground.
My Wife Became a Grandmother
Club Member
A middle-aged literature teacher who devotes his free time to poetry is used to being the center of admiration for his family, especially his wife. One day, however, a grandchild arrives at the house, who immediately grabs the full attention of all those around him. The fresh grandfather turns out to be excluded and decides to leave the house, confident that it will restore him to his former position. This is followed by a day full of surprising encounters.
Spring in the Forest
Aksel's Father
Based on the novel “Ukuaru” by Veera Saar, a story about Minna, a young woman who has to make choices in the name of her true love, home, and the continuation of life.
(as O. Liigand)
The action takes place in a nameless country occupied by the German army at the time of World War II. In a small village there's an asylum. A squad of German soldiers arrives to take the insane people to a "walk in the forest". Just before they are ready to go to forest to kill the insane people, a Gestapo officer arrives and from his conversation with the doctor we can find out that there's an enemy agent hiding himself in the asylum. Officer Windisch must find the agent from 583 people and on his searches he is slowly starting to feel himself crazy too.
The Midday Ferry
Petrol Truck Driver
The events take place in Estonia in a summer in the 1960s. The Boy and the Girl want to go from mainland Estonia to the island of Saaremaa, but they do not have any money to buy the ticket to the ferry. They manage to hide themselves into a lorry that carries hay. Because they are smoking while they are on the lorry, a fire breaks out. The problem is, that the ferry in the middle of the sea.
We Were Eighteen
It's 1940 - the first summer of the Soviet occupation on the Estonian island Saaremaa. Teenagers stepping in their lives have important decisions to make. Should they support the Soviet regime or join the resistance?
The Misadventures of the New Satan
The way Saint Peter explains it to the Devil who's knocking on Heaven's door to collect his share of souls: there will be no more souls, as God has come to doubt if humans are really meant to achieve salvation. If they aren't then how can they be punished posthumous and sent to Hell? There's only one way to make sure if sinning is the human nature, or is it that they simply don't want to better themselves - Devil himself must go down to Earth, in human form, and if he can achieve salvation then so can a human being... Based on A. H. Tammsaare's classic novel of the same name.
Ice Run
Two proud fisherman families live on a very small island in Estonia. The two fishermen have always bore a grudge against each other. Their stubbornness and disobedience to German occupiers leads to dramatic events where staying alive is worse than death. Since it is impossible to escape public contempt, they have to decide how to redeem themselves.
Men from the Fisherman's Village
After a stormy night on the sea, a group of Estonian fishermen end up in a small coastal Finnish town. As they await the Soviet authorities to take them back home, some of the fishermen contemplate leaving their former lives in a Soviet era Estonia behind.