Jo Ynocencio


Death Benefit
Costume Design
Steven Keeney is a big corporate lawyer who decides to take on a small-time murder case to discover the true circumstances behind the death of a young girl. Virginia McGinnis is the one suspected of pushing the women off the cliff to collect on a small insurance policy. The further he goes into the case the more he reveals about the background of the suspect. Keeney finds support from others who also want to find out the truth behind the case.
Armação Perigosa
Costume Design
Jornalista de Nova York pressionado pelo editor, que exige dele um furo de reportagem, acaba inventando uma história sobre drogas e exploração de mulheres. Mas a polícia se interessa pelo caso e ele acaba perseguido por bandidos de verdade.
Um Caso Muito Sério
Costume Design
Charles Cummings (Jon Cryer) é um fotógrafo amador de 16 anos que se apaixona por Laura (Demi Moore), uma bela aspirante à cantora de rock de 22 anos. Para provar o seu amor, ele é capaz de tudo.
Costume Design
A workaholic father becomes sole parent to his two young sons, and finds it hard to relate to them, consumed as he is with his own grief.
Honeysuckle Rose
Costume Design
Buck Bonham is a country singer on the road caught in a romantic triangle with Dyan Cannon and Amy Irving, the daughter of one of his longtime musical sidekick.
A Vida Íntima de um Político
Costume Design
Respected liberal Senator Joe Tynan is asked to to lead the opposition to a Supreme Court appointment. It means losing an old friend and fudging principles to make the necessary deals, as well as further straining his already part-time family life. But it could be a big boost to his career, so he takes it on. Helping him prepare the case is pretty southern researcher Karen Traynor, and their developing relationship further complicates and compromises his life.
Sweet Revenge
Costume Design
A young woman with a long rap sheet who steals cars for a living is befriended by a public defender who tries to steer her straight. But her goal is to steal and subsequently sell enough cars (sometimes the same car more than once) to buy a new Ferrari.
Os Viciados
Costume Design
Um retrato dos viciados que transitam na Praça Sherman, Nova York, que para os drogados que ali freqüentam é conhecido como "Parque das Agulhas". Dentro deste contexto é focada a trajetória de Bobby (Al Pacino), um viciado e pequeno traficante que se envolve com Helen (KItty Winn), uma jovem sem-teto que acredita que sua relação com o drogado é a estabilidade que necessita. Porém, ela também acaba se viciando e a vida de ambos entra em total decadência.