Horst Kyrath


Gefährliches Spiel
Assistant Director
The formerly wealthy Baron Carl Erich von Wenden is desperate. His debts are out of control and he is forced to give up everything he owns. Since he doesn’t want to burden his daughter Rosy with all of this, he tells her he’ll take a pleasure trip with her … in truth, however, he has to work as an assistant waiter in the evenings, while Rosy stays in the hotel. He constantly fears his daughter will discover the truth; and this is a shame he cannot bear.
Eine Frau die weiß, was sie will
Production Supervisor
Woman concert singer seeks to connect with her adult daughter, by her former marriage to a staid industrialist who has kept the two apart since the daughter was a small child, and gets inadvertent help from the industrialist's fired employee who has fallen in love with the girl.