The plot revolves around the rehearsal of the play “Excitement” in which Freindlikh is to play a famous American writer from New York. The actress and director have heated debates about the eccentric character. They discuss the process of creation, its mysterious mechanisms, the birth of a work of art in general. They also talk about the world around Alisa outside the theatre – her family, home, friends, interests and her beloved St. Petersburg. The film is meant to commemorate the great Russian actress’s 85th anniversary.
The film’s heroine is the gynaecologist Masha, whose husband leaves her. When a man leaves his wife, he carries away all her hopes for a future. Of course, it would be noble to let the husband go, but Masha is a strong woman and begins a desperate struggle for her infidel husband Misha. The power is unequal. Masha is already well in her thirties, while the fitness-trainer Oksana is just over twenty. But behind Masha stand a great experience of life and two small children. In this situation she is ready to use the entire arsenal available, including extraterrestrial forces. The young Oksana relies only on feelings. And on her fine figure, her magnificent hair and irrepressible temperament. Who will win this fight and get the prize? And what happens when the dream of one of them will become true?
Uma história pungente e trágica sobre eventos dos quais o próprio conde Liev Nikolaevitch Tolstói é um participante. O tenente da capital, Grigory Kolokoltsev, inspirado por ideias avançadas, é enviado para servir em um regimento de infantaria, no qual ocorre um crime de guerra. O soldado, sobre cujos ombros recai a culpa, enfrenta um tribunal militar. Kolokoltsev pede ajuda ao conde Tolstói, que decide proteger os inocentes. Uma história comovente sobre a complexidade das escolhas e a lealdade aos próprios ideais. Baseada em eventos reais.
Karina comes from Moscow to a small Tatar town to visit her parents. The father treats his daughter for her way of life. Karina's mom shares a secret with her, which becomes a serious opportunity to take revenge on her father for all the insults.
An old and wealthy actor, whose life's obsession is to play King Lear, suffers from a family tragedy of his own that turns him into a real-life Shakespearean character.
Um jovem paramédico, talentoso e dedicado, está enfrentando problemas em seu casamento. Sua esposa está farta de ele se importar mais com os pacientes do que com ela, e pede o divórcio. Ao mesmo tempo em que luta para arranjar tempo para a esposa, ele começa a ficar cada vez mais obcecado por sua missão de salvar vidas. Até que o novo chefe do hospital implementa novas regras rígidas que atrapalham o trabalho do paramédico. Presos entre ligações de emergência, a busca por um sentido para a vida, e crises pessoais e profissionais, o casal precisa encontrar a força que os mantém unidos.
Alex glides his mouse tenderly over online images of Vika. He has been smitten ever since he saw her with her friends and cannot get her out of his head. Unfortunately, Vika is beyond Alex’s reach because he's not welcome in her neighborhood. Nonetheless, Alex sneaks into a disco at her school and finds up the courage to ask her to dance. Moments are intense as Alex feels infatuation for the first time.
This movie is about soccer hooligans, the most aggressive and violent soccer aficionados. They are an exclusive group, the elite of all soccer fans. Whoever they may be in their everyday lives—college students, bankers, musicians, or car mechanics—they are a “firm.” It’s easy to get into a firm, but once you’re in, it’s for life. There’s no going back. The movie is based on actual events
A genuine satiric comedy, based on real conversations - both amusing and sad - overheard by a journalist in one of the most expensive Moscow restaurants. Hilarious and revealing, this is a film about women who choose between affection and money, film producers that don't really know what they're filming, and weary businessmen who sometimes say screw it, down a shot and leave their mother-in-laws to pay the bill. But most of all, it's about true love that favors noisy kitchen floor over gilded fine-dining halls.
A storry about a friendship between two very different women.
A storry about a friendship between two very different women.
A two days from the life of Pyotr Drozdov, a highly ranked official from Moscow, which he spends with young museum employee Masha.
1990s. Gangster Kiev. A team of four men is assigned to deliver a girl from Prague, nicknamed "Alien", the sister of a recently arrested criminal called Babai, whose testimony could damage some important people.
One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...