Gemma Firsova

Gemma Firsova

Nascimento : 1935-12-27, Samarkand, USSR (Uzbekistan)

Morte : 2012-05-08


Soviet Russian film actor and director.


Gemma Firsova
Gemma Firsova


Черная береза
The Chronicle of the Night
A plane bound for Africa ends up in the hands of hired killers. Their goal is to prevent the Soviet doctor from getting to Lega, where he is to operate on the leader of the liberation movement.
That Sweet Word: Liberty!
Ellen Carrera
In an unnamed Latin American country after a coup d'état, a military junta comes to power. The army deployed to the streets, the civilian population is exposed to hard terror. A wave of arrests follows, some former senators - liberals and communists - are sent to prison. Some patriots that have gone underground try to figure a plan for their release. They buy a small shop opposite the prison in the name of Francisco and Maria Vardes. From its basement they plan to build a 90-meter tunnel. Three years of enormous effort, deaths and nervous breakdowns are not spent in vain. The inmates run away, but while at large, the oldest of them, Senator Miguel Carrera suffers a heart failure. He dies in a safe house on the eve of a meeting with journalists.
The White Bird Marked with Black
A family struggles to survive in an area that was claimed as part of Rumania, Poland and the Ukraine, all within a short span of time. When World War II comes, various family members choose different masters; some even choose to work for the Soviets. War, struggle, marriages, births, deaths--all these events punctuate the story of this large family.
Black Sun
Nicole Gauthier
The life and death of Robert Moussombe, the leader of an unnamed African state. Moussombe is a fictionalized portrait of assassinated Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba, and the film's events are a pastiche of the Congo Crisis in 1960s.
The film is about microbiological scientists who are exploring the causes and mechanisms of the action of oncological diseases, looking for ways to fight this insidious and dangerous disease for humans.
The Eve of Ivan Kupalo
Petro is a modest farmhand living in an impoverished village in some unspecified long-ago era. He wants to marry the lovely Pidorka, but her stern father won't hear of it. The mischievous demon Basavriuk, offers a deal, enticing Petro into crime for the sake of fortune. Based on Nikolai Gogol’s short story “The Eve of Ivan Kupala” (“St John’s Eve”) and Ukrainian folk tales.
Guerra e Paz
Katish Mamontova
Adaptação épica do clássico homônimo da literatura mundial, de autoria de Leon Tolstói. O início do século dezenove é tomado por grandes acontecimentos. Cada vez mais próximas da fronteira russa, as tropas de Napoleão Bonaparte prometem fazer valer os intentos expansionistas de seu líder, trazendo guerra para o solo russo. Enquanto isso, uma complexa história de amor se desenvolve entre a Condessa Natasha Rostova e o Conde Pierre Bezukhov, casado com outra mulher. O filme também foi dividido em 4 episódios.
Guerra e Paz 1 Andrei Bolkonsky
Katish Mamontova
Parte 1 do mega filme soviético Guerra e Paz (1966), uma adaptação em 4 partes do romance de Leon Tolstoi de 1869. Em São Petersburgo de 1805, Pierre Bezukhov, filho ilegítimo de um nobre rico, é apresentado à alta sociedade. Seu amigo, o príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky, junta-se ao exército imperial russo como ajudante de campo do general Mikhail Kutuzov na Guerra da Terceira Coalizão contra Napoleão.
A Spring for the Thirsty
A parable centering on an old man who lives a secluded life in the desert, alone with only his memories and photographs. His wellspring, once a source of joy and hope for thirsty passersby, is now rarely used. No longer able to find comfort in his memories, he turns all his photographs to face the walls.
Velas Escarlates
Arthur's mother
A little girl Assol met a wizard and it has been foretold: "... it will be a fine sunny day when a beautiful ship under scarlet sail comes and the noble prince will take you away from here. He'll take you to the world of your dreams, where you will be loved and happy." The neighbours told jokes about her, children teased her, but she waited for her prince. She trusted in the miracles and waited. Arthur Gray's rule was "if you can make a miracle, do it!". And he made a miracle for the wonderful romantic girl.
Russkiy Suvenir
journalist (uncredited)
The end of the 1950s. The Chinese passenger plane, following the Beijing-Moscow flight, enters a thunderstorm and makes an emergency landing in the Baikal region. In addition to the Soviet citizen Varvara Komarova, all other passengers are foreigners. Using a stop, they explore new cities and get acquainted with the life, work and rest of Soviet people.