40-year-old housewife Cai has lost track of who she is and who she wants to be. During one of her daughter’s basketball matches, she inadvertently injures an elderly woman. This seemingly trivial event is a catalyst for a life spinning out of control, as past events resurface while she moves into an unknown future. Director Qiu Yang follows a series of multi-awarded shorts with his debut feature, a mesmerizing and intimate drama about a woman forced to confront the wreckage of her life and her longing for change?
A couple of fisher-folk are joined by a young new apprentice in the middle of a raging storm.
Executive Producer
Marianne deixa Abel por Paul, seu melhor amigo e pai de seu futuro filho. Oito anos depois, Paul morre. Abel e Marianne voltam a namorar, despertando sentimentos de ciúme tanto no filho de Marianne, Joseph, quanto na irmã de Paul, Eva, que secretamente ama Abel desde a infância.
Maryline, 16, is in love with Aymeric who works with her at the harbor. But under the influence of Mars on this summer day, she saves Ludovic from drowning.
Antonin and Leonor are hunting larks. He is as submissive as his sister is voracious. One day, a dog attacks them.
Laurent hasn't seen his father since the age of two. His father has just had an accident. He almost died. Laurent refuses to go see this father who always acted as if he didn't exist. Julie, his girlfriend, tries to convince him.